The other day we decided to run away.The holidays had been a bit overwhelming, we were all on system overload.We needed to get away from everything and just have some fun. We ran away to where there was lots of snow so that we could go play outside.
Play is the highest form of research. – Albert Einstein
There is just something about going outside to play, being out in nature, that can change everyone’s mood and make the day so much better. We’re definitely thankful for all the snow that has fallen upon our area and on the mountains. It’s been fun getting out as a family and going for little adventures.
The last time we went to the Sea to Sky Gondola was a year ago, we went snow shoeing and Addie was just a little baby. This time we went just to walk in the snow and let the girls play. We walked The Spirit (of Christmas) Trail. There were simple but beautiful decorations a long the trail and lots of sparkling lights. Even a little arch way made of branches and covered in red wooden hearts.
There was a little play set out in the snow with two slides that the girls loved climbing on and sliding down. There was even a little play house. Jason and I loved watching the girls just having fun. It was all we needed.
- Breath in that fresh air: Is there anything better then going outside and take a deep breath in, and inhaling all of that glorious fresh air? I don’t think! It’s even better when you are outside and playing in the snow. For some reason the air is just better.
- Encourages play: Your kids won’t be sitting staring at any sort of screen. They will be encouraged to play. Being outside helps forster creative and imaginative play. Our girls spent a large chunk of the time playing together too. We find often at home they do their own thing. Plus playing outside and having fun means they are getting excercise (and so are we) and the kids have no idea! Not once did we hear “I’m tired” or “Can we go home yet?”.
- Time spent as a family: We spent the whole day together as a family. No major distractions. The focus was us, our little family unit of 4. We weren’t worried about anything else going on. Our time was spent having fun as a family. We purpousely went without a to-do list. We just went with the flow for what the girls wanted to do. Which meant having breaks when they wanted, going inside to warm up and eat lunch, and back out in the snow to plau some more.
- Developing skills: Fine motor, gross motor, the process for how to do things, cause and effect, and so much more is learnt while playing outside. Lifeskills are learnt while being outside. It’s incredible to step back and just watch your children play and explore while outdoors. Our oldest has learnt how to make a snow ball this winter. Before she would say she couldn’t do it, with the encouragement of her Aunty she now makes them on her own and is all about building snow men.
It looks like you all had a ton of fun! I got my nephews outside a lot more, even in the snow, this past year and it was very rewarding!
Oh so true! I love these reasons for play. My family lives tobagganing and snowshoeing in the winter.
Wow, it looks so beautiful there! All of your points are spot on. Getting outside is good for the soul!
I am so jealous of all your snow! We live in Atlanta and never see it. I wouldn’t want to come inside if I lived here!
I LOVE THIS POST! My husband and I are big believers in this; he even wrote his college paper on this very topic. There is a lot of research about how beneficial it is for our children. It can be so easy to just stick your kids in front of a TV but they will thank you later for not doing so.
♡ Kaitlyn
We actually go the first real blanket of snow at our hotel tonight, so we had a snowball fight in the parking lot!
Glam Hungry Mom
I totally struggle with getting outside. It doesn’t help that we live in an apartment with no patio or anything. I try to get my son out to the park occasionally because he loves it! We did go for a drive yesterday because my husband has the day off and we found some snow for my son to play in. It was so fun!
What beautiful pics! It’s been tougher getting out this year with an infant, but we’re trying to do it more.
Great post! I have to admit – I love playing outside with the kids but it feels like so much work to get them all dressed and undressed and warmed up etc! Need to make sure I make it more of a priority.
What a fun time! I love it when my kids are busy playing outside. The other day they made Olaf in the snow! Snow is so awesome!!
I LOVE going outdoors too! I’m being a big baby about it being too cold outside to play but these pictures inspired me!
So fun! I have 3 little ones and this was definitely a reminder to get them out even with the cold weather.
I love getting outside and playing with my family as well. There is nothing like being one with nature and breathing in the fresh air. I also read somewhere that it helps kids mentally and emotionally as they are able to release their pent up energy.
Seems like kids don’t play outside like they use too. My mother always told us to go outside and blow the stink off of you. Think she needed a break from us. We always took our kids outside at a very young age and they all love the outdoors.
Omg! This looks like so much fun. Love your encouragement to get out, enjoy family, and breath some fresh air! Every point is so good to help recalibrate and have a fresh perspective.
I couldn’t love this more! I wish we got snow here but we’re lucky if we get it and it sticks 1-2 days a year. Your photos are gorgeous!
this looks like so much fun! I’ve been so surprised by the amount of snow that we’ve had in The Lower Mainland and Metro Vancouver this year but sunny days walking through sparkling snow is pretty spectacular! Such lovely photos!
What gorgeous photos!! It is so important to get outside with the kiddos. We actually got quite a bit of snow where we live and we don’t normally get very much during the winter, so it was a lot of fun to go out and enjoy it as a family!
These photos are amazing!! I love following your snow adventures on IG and completely agree, getting outdoors with our children is a must!
I would love to introduce my son to snow and real winter. Sadly, I live in San Francisco, so it’s rainy and cold. But the days that it is sunny, like today, we spend most of our day outside.
This looks like so much fun! I wish it would snow here so we could play in it! We may have to plan a trip up north next year to enjoy a little snow.
That looks like so much fun, but there’s no way I would’ve crossed that bridge! Lol!
This looks like such a fun day! I wish it snowed down here in Florida!