I had no plans of doing any big runs this year, but I did have a goal to get into better shape, and to be healthier. My friend Louise over at Talk Nerdy to Me put it out there that she would be doing a 5 km run through MEC. – Thank you Louise for being a source of inspiration and encouragement. – I thought about it for a bit, and talked to Jason and decided to sign up too. I did the 10 km Vancouver Sun Run last year, but figured that this would be more manageable. I had two weeks to train before the run. My goal for this run was to come in under 50 minutes. For the Sun Run the first 5 kms I came in just over 50 minutes according to the tracker that Jason used while we did the run. The big challenge for this run was that I would be doing it on my own, Jason was going to watch Evie and so I didn’t have her in the jogging stroller to push. The jogging stroller is a bit of a crutch. It actually makes running a bit easier for me, plus I have Evie yelling “Go Mama Go!” or “FASTER MAMA!”. She is my own little support team when we go out for runs together.
I was getting a bit discouraged a week before the run because I came down with a brutal cold that had left me with a wicked cough. Add in the usual “Raincouver” weather, and I was not looking forward to the day of the run. It was pouring rain the days before, and I was hoping and praying for clear weather. I did do some research, and I asked around for what would be needed to run in the rain. I got some good quality running socks, as well as BodyGlide to help prevent blisters. I also put duct tape on the tops of my shoes because there were definitely puddles around come run day, and knowing my luck I was probably going to step in one. Now if only someone could make decent compression running capris or pants for plus size girls, and I would be a very happy person. I kid you not my pants were sliding down… if I wasn’t dealing with that a bit of the time I may have had a bit faster time. Next time I’m wearing suspenders.
The run was very pretty around Williams Park area. I was happy that there were not too many crazy hills, I was expecting at least 1 good one because the entrance into the park has a hill. Thankfully this was at the beginning so I didn’t have to jog up it exhausted from having already done several kilometers. There was a big difference between this run, and the Sun Run. I was surprised at the comradery between the runners in this. Everyone was very encouraging and supportive. I lost track of the number of thumbs up I got from fellow runners, and the words of encouragement especially near the end had me almost in tears. Right near the finish line I was very tired and didn’t want to run. Jason and Evie had been waiting at the bottom of the hill for me and Jason was telling me to run. Another lady came up behind me and said “You’ve got this, run with me across the line.” and she finished the race with me.
What was my time? I finished the run at 47 minutes and 57 seconds. WAHOO! I did come in under my 50 minute goal so I am incredibly proud of myself. I am now seriously considering signing up for a few more of the 5 km runs that MEC has this year. Anyone want to join me?
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way to go! I did my first ever 5k this christmas (I walked it though) and have decided to do 5 5k’s this year!!!! As for compression pants, old navy! But definitely go up in size. I got my size, and a size up and find that my size is too small and pulls down all the time.
Good job! And God Bless the kind woman that encouraged you at the end. Great results, Proud of you.
Good job!!! Glad you enjoyed it
I think if I do a run there again, I will have Gary and the kids cheering me on at the bottom of that last hill too!
Whoo-hoo!! Don’t you love it when you hit the goals you are hoping for?
Great job! I’m signing up for my first 5k in April. I did c25k in 2013 but chickened out of a race then I got pregnant and stopped running. Excuses excuses