Chiro visit, squashing Daddy who is sick and not feeling well, finger food is a major hit, working hard at standing, trying on Mommy’s headband, ordering birthday cards, and holding the bottle on her own.
This week has been an off week. Some have noted that my blog has been a bit quiet. With Jason working graveyards this week, everything has just been sent off-kilter. Everly has been missing her Daddy during the day because he is sleeping. Then he got a cold, which I think I got too as I have not been feeling so well now. Everly herself has had a very busy week with a chiro visit, only wanting finger food and being stubborn about wanting to hold the bottle herself (which if fine with me its made things really easy now when we go out, no more stopping to feed her she can hold it herself when in the stroller). Of course her days have been filled with lots of playing, she has been working very hard at figuring out the whole walking thing, and she is almost there. The poor girl though smashed into the coffee table this morning and split her lip open. It fully hit me today that she is fast approaching being 1 years old. I ordered her birthday invitations last night. Wow. Where has the time gone?
I don’t know if catching the cold Jason has been dealing with, has set me off, but I have just not been feeling like myself this week. There are a few things that I believe to have caused me to feel this way. I’m trying to be better to not just tuck all emotions away and ignore them, I’m trying to be better about dealing with things and to be better about talking about what is going on with those in my life. Even with all of that, I feel like I am running on empty for some reason. When Jason got up this afternoon, I told him all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. I’ve done my best to keep a brave and happy face on for my daughter, but that little kidlet can read me like a book already. I believe she has known all week that Mommy wasn’t 100%, I have been getting lots of extra cuddles, smiles, and kisses from her. Bless her little heart, because it did help some. I feel like I’ve let her down this week. Right now I find myself fighting to be the best possible Mom I can be for her. I am the best possible Mom for her. I find myself having a rough day/week. All of this is part of my journey, both as myself, as a Mom, as a wife, and as a part of a family. I’m not going to let this day, this week define me.
One thing I have been thinking a lot of is the need to unplug and disconnect from phones, and computers. I have decided to set aside certain times when I can work on my blog, us a computer, check social media and things like that. I believe it is something that is important to do. So if I am not posting as often, don’t worry its coming, and be sure to check out my blog’s Facebook page, as some things will just get shared there. I have decided to not let technology take over. Many things in life are so much more important.
Sorry for a post that is a little bit jumbled, but that is what my week has been like, and its how my brain currently feels… very jumbled and mixed up. I am currently working hard to sort and organize. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Ours is going to be a very busy one.