This weekend we celebrated my 27th birthday. My actual birthday was yesterday. I had a great birthday weekend filled with family and friends. I have some of the most amazing people around in my life and I am truly blessed. My 26th year was filled with many challenges, heartbreak, and lots of moments of joy. I learned a lot, and let go of what I needed to. I am looking forward to this year and what is in store for me. Bring on being 27!
I spent Halloween at my parent’s and my family surprised me with a ice cream cake after all the trick-or-treating, my birthday gift was getting to go to Wicked (I’d go again in a heartbeat that is how much I love that show). We thought that we would get to spend Saturday sleeping in, that was until we realized Jason’s passport is about to expire. Not good. We ended up rushing out to Costco in the morning, which is always crazy on the weekend but it was fun getting to wander around because we were only there for photos not a big grocery shopping trip. I did get some shopping in though later, as Jason took me to the mall later in the day. We picked out a new charm for my bracelet… I picked one of the new Disney Collection charms that came out recently. I was also searching for the perfect pair of brown boots, but had no luck.
Sunday was top notch. After church in the morning we went to Wild Wings and filled half the restaurant with friends. It was incredible to hear all the laughter from everyone as they carried on their conversations, as well as seeing friends who I have sadly not seen in 8+ months was a huge highlight… I even finally got to meet their little sweetheart of a daughter. My heart was so full in that moment. The night before I actually made cupcakes for my own birthday gathering, we were not expecting so many people to come out to the restaurant I was worried we wouldn’t have enough for everyone. Thankfully it all worked out. They also sang the best, and loudest rendition of “Happy Birthday” I have ever heard, and I most definitely was turning pink.
Jason took Evie to Sunday School in the evening so that I could relax, and get ready to go out for a little get together with two more friends of mine. We ended up staying out well after 11pm talking over yummy desserts, and hot cups of tea. God has truly blessed me. I was spoiled with an incredible birthday weekend. I was reminded that I am surrounded by loving family and friends who have been there for me through many of the ups and downs in my life. I cannot express enough how thankful I am for everyone. What a fun birthday this was, one I will always remember.
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Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Praying that God will bless you throughout the coming year.