I have been going to camp on Anvil Island since I was 9. That’s 16 years ago. I went from camper to staff member. Once Jason and I started dating he became involved with camp as well… we even got married up there. Its become a huge part of our lives each summer. What about […]
Mommy and Daddy cant fix everything…
Since she was born Everly has had a very difficult keeping her food down. She was always spitting up. There very first night was terrifying for Jason and I, we could hear her gagging and were constantly helping her. We did call the nurse to double check everything was okay. We were told its […]
The Silly Onesie
When your little one does as the onesie says, especially when its an explosive diaper there is one thing a cloth diapering parent really should have. A diaper sprayer. We just got one that works in our washroom yesterday and it has already been put to good use. We are currently using the Aquaus Diaper […]
Tender Tushies vs. Kawaii
I said I would compare the two brands of newborn cloth diapers we are using, and we already have a preference. Tender Tushies is the company who we were informed about when we went to the diaper party. We did not purchase any new born diapers until about a month before the due date. We were […]