We been having some really nice weather recently, so we took the opportunity to head to go to the ocean for baby’s first time at the beach. Plus, it was kind of like a mini date out, since the older two were at school. It was exactly what we needed as a little pick-me-up.
Now, when you go to the beach here it’s pretty much a must to get some fish and chips. There’s several great options to order from, but Moby Dick. You get bonus fish in your order. Say you order 2 pieces, you get 3. It definitely helps the the budget when eating out. There really is no better place to have fish and chips than by the ocean. Just watch for the seagulls. They are so sneaky and will try to get your food.
Orie had her first taste of fries (we bit off the crispy ends) and fish. She really enjoyed it, but does not seem to be a fan of tartar sauce. Guess she’ll learn eventually, or she’ll be like mommy and prefer malt vinegar on everything? It was just cute seeing her attempt to eat the fries independently by squishing the potato out of the middle. Definitely messy, but so worth it seeing her happy.
With everything going on in the world the city of White Rock has painted lines down the sidewalk and arrows to let people know where they should be walking. We were able to get to a cement ramp to take the stroller down to the beach, it was perfect timing because the tide was out. I’m really bad about checking this before we head to the beach. The majority of the time it’s high tide.
After Jason lugged the stroller over some rocks (yes Orie is still in there) we were able to go claim a spot in the sand. Orie wanted out immediately. I am thrilled to say it seems she has a love for the ocean just like me. I honestly don’t know if I ever could move far away from the ocean, there’s just something about it that I love so much.
It’s the little pointed toes dipping into the water that get me. She was so cautious when Jason put her in the water for the first time. Soon enough we had to take the romper off because she just wanted in and to crawl around.
Little moments like this I hope I always remember. Sure, my kids won’t as they grow up, but they will have all these photos to look back on.
The problem with the gulls is people continue to feed them fries. They are super bold these days and will land next to you, snatch it and fly off.
Glad you had a good time!
As for tide charts, I always look at this one: https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/White-Rock-British-Columbia/tides/latest I can see the tide from where I am, but I like to check if it’s coming in or going out etc lol
Looks great on a mobile browser too!