This coming December marks 5 years of being a work at home Dad for Jason. He switched to working from home just before our oldest daughter’s arrival. While he did take some time off from work, we both soon realized that having him be at home was a huge blessing for all of us. Being a work at home parent means the day is busy, but incredible too.
With Tamara working Monday to Friday for the school district, it’s been a huge help for us as a family having Jason work from home in the evenings. It means a parent is always there for the kids during the day and we were then not on the hunt for childcare during that time.
Just what does a day working at home look like for Jason?
Most workday mornings the girls and I get up after Tamara has headed to work. The girls need help getting ready for the day. Diaper duty. Picking out clothing for a kindergartener who knows what she wants to wear but sometimes a giant tutu isn’t practical. As well as making sure both of the girls have breakfast, more so our oldest having a full meal before we need to get out the door and to drop-off in time for the start of the school day.
Our youngest is not a morning meal fan until she’s been awake for awhile. Sometimes after getting her big sister to school, we’ll go for a walk to our neighborhood coffee pit stop for a special breakfast treat. This also means father-daughter time for the two of us, similar to what her older sister and I used to do when she was this age.
After breakfast is finally done for the day, the challenge of tiring out this little girl begins. It’s operation wear her out so that she will go down for an early nap because her nap would be otherwise interrupted in the afternoon when her sister needs to be picked up again from school. I’m sure you all know that waking a sleeping child is never a good idea, so I try to avoid this as much as possible.
We might go for a walk around the neighborhood and to the playground. Or, some days we go and pick up the groceries we need for at home. Both my girls know exactly where to go in the grocery store to ask for a cookie from the employees in the bakery.
When she is down for her nap I help around the house. Like any home, there is always something that needs to be done. The laundry pile that has grown to the size of a mountain, the dishes that are constantly needing to be washed and loaded into the dishwasher. You name it, there is stuff to do.
When the end of the school days starts to come around, my youngest daughter and I head over to get her sister from school. I love hearing about what she got up to in kindergarten; playing with friends, colouring, and learning. She is thriving being there.
Once Tamara is home I am working at my desk. Currently, I’ve set my work area up in a small corner of our house. My desk is covered in different trinkets like a Cars toy and Stormtrooper. You might recall the video that went viral of the kids walking in on the Dad’s video call, I pretty much live that moment every day working from home.
I will try to have my dinner break at the same time as my family so that we can be together. Some days I’ve prepared dinner, other days Tamara does it. No matter what, it’s nice to have this time together. The other thing that I also try to be there before is the bedtime routine. Sometimes I can help with all of it, other nights I am there to help with tucking in. No matter what I make sure to give my girls a hug and kiss goodnight before they go to sleep.
There are days where I would love to be working in the office, but then I would be missing out on so much with my family.
Are you a work from home parent? What is a typical day like for you?
My husband works from home, but since I am a stay at home parent, our days still look more traditional, if you will. I still do all the caring and feeding and house keeping. He will often wake up at 6 for 6:30 meetings with people in Europe or other places around the globe. Often, if he doesn’t have a meeting at school drop off time, he will take a little break so I don’t have to lug the other three with me. That is a HUGE blessing. Then the rest of the day he spends tucked away in his office, occasionally coming up for coffee or a snack. And then since he starts early, he can generally end his day early too, and then wenapens the rest of the day together. It’s a pretty great setup!
I love that you posted about this and I also love day-in-the-life style posts, thanks for sharing!
I don’t see a lot of work-at-home or stay-at-home dads! It’s refreshing to see the day from your perspective, even if it looks much the same. You have a beautiful family!
I am a work at home parent and have been for many years. Now that my kids are young adults it looks quite different than it used to. Much of what you described would be accurate for me when the kids were young. As the kids entered into school I did come to realize that homework time was a great time for me to get work done. We all sat at the kitchen table together. I was available if homework help was needed and seeing me working helped to keep them on task.
I used to be able to work from home for a few hours every day a few months after I gave birth with my second child, while my dad takes care of him. And I loved every minute of it. I get to work and earn money to help with paying the bills while I still get to see him and play with him a bit when I need a little break from work.
Belle | One Awesome Momma
I work from home, but i’m not sure i would be comfortable having my husband do the same .. Lol! i need space!
Sounds like you guys got this figured out! I’m a Stay Home Mom, so no one works at home here. I do blog, but it’s more of a hobby at this point. My husband definitely still helps out when he gets home from work. He actually does bed time in our house! i have considered working from home, but I think that will wait till our daughter is older.
My good friend’s husband is a work at home dad so this was good insight into what his day probably looks like too!
My Dad works from home and has since I was a kid. I think he works harder because he has his own business then when he worked for someone else. Now that I have my own business, I totally get it! Even my so called “days off” I find myself doing something for the blog.
Love that you are very present in your daughters lives! So important for their little girl hearts <3
Aw this is the sweetest! I bet they LOVE having dad around all the time!
That is so cool you have figured out a way for your kids to always have a parent at home with them. It sounds like you are making some great memories.
We don’t have kids but my hubby and I both work from home, something we just started this year, it’s been amazing and I love the freedom to create my own schedule!
I have no doubt that it’s wonderful getting to be at home with the kids. I know as a mother, I love that I get to do it.
I love it! As a work at home mom, I love seeing dads in their roles as WAHD!
Loved hearing about your time being a stay at home dad. I’m glad you are able to have all that wonderful time with your girls!