Christmas is going to be in full swing in our home very soon, and I have a bit of a Christmas bucket going on this year. There are many things I would love to do, and places I’d love to go to as a family this year. Maybe it is because I have to go back to work part way through December, that I feel we wont do many of these. Though, I do get two weeks off because of Christmas break. I have decided to compile a list because its the only way I’ll remember half of the stuff I’d love to see happen. Here’s hoping we get a few of these crossed off. Does anyone else have a Christmas to do list going on?

Heritage Christmas Lights at Burnaby Village Museum and Bright Nights at Stanley Park – Christmas Train.
1. Home made Christmas ornaments
2. Fill our our Christmas cards and get them in the mail
3. Figure out a way to display any cards we receive this year.
4. 25 days of Christmas books with Everly, I hope to read her a different holiday book each night. (We already own several, or I’m looking for 2nd hand books)
5. Go to the Bright Nights Christmas Train in Stanley Park (This has been tradition for years)
6. Go to the Vancouver Christmas Market (Last year I was near my due date when we went)
7. Date night with hubby to The Nutcracker
8. Go to Heritage Christmas at Burnaby Village (we used to live up the street so its become tradition already to go)
9. Put up Christmas lights on our house (wahoo we have permission from strata this year)
10. Attend the Christmas carol sing at church
11. Have a Christmas movie and pajama night for our friend’s kids (this is already in the works)
12. Load into the car, with hot chocolate in hand and a bowl of popcorn, and go looking at Christmas light displays on homes
13. Have all Christmas shopping done by the first week of December
14. Make a felt Christmas tree for Everly (in hopes that she wont destroy the actual tree)
15. New pjs for the family to be opened on Christmas eve, along with a movie and snacks
16. Go play in the snow, and take Everly for a ride in a sled (We are headed to Whistler, I don’t trust the weather people that we will ever get snow in our area)
17. Make some homemade wrapping paper
18. Go to the Festival of Lights at VanDusen Botanical Garden
19. Do a lot of holiday cookie baking
20. Take Everly for photos with Santa (she might not grow up believing in Santa but I’d like a photo of her with Santa as a keepsake)
21. Make and decorate a gingerbread house
22. Go downtown, look at Christmas window displays, and enjoy a Starbucks red cup beverage. Bring on the hustle and bustle of the holiday season
23. A festive breakfast together as a family
24. Decorate inside the house for Christmas, hello Christmas explosion!
25. Celebrate the real reason for the season together as a family
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