After Everly’s nap the other day we all needed to get out of the house. We doubled checked that the diaper bag was full with everything we needed (we had an incident the other day where we got to my family’s house and had no diapers or wipes… oops!) and got into the car. We weren’t exactly sure which park we wanted to head to so we just started driving and ended up at Tynehead Regional Park. It’s becoming one of our favourite places.
We ended up having a great hour long walk without the stroller! Evie walked the trail with us the whole time, it was great. What I really enjoyed though was seeing everything through her eye’s. She would stop and check out all the different leaves and pick up her favourite one and carry it along for a while then put it down and trade it for something else. At one point she picked up a large maple leaf and carried it above her head waving it back and forth saying “I’m flying!” this girl has such a creative imagination. She also discovered the fun sound leaves make in the fall, that crunch, crunch, crunch beneath her feet. She was also amazed at pine cones and had several of those clenched in her little fists for a good portion of the walk not wanting to let them go.
For once I was brave enough to try and let a little chickadee land in my hand. I did it for Evie my animal loving kid. She was mesmerized to watch as I held out my hand and this little bird flew into it. After seeing me do this she held out both her hands, but would follow the birds and scare them off. Some day she will do it. I can’t wait to go and feed some ducks, she is going to be so happy.
We really just needed a break from the craziness of work, and have some down time as a family. We all felt so much better after this walk. Highly recommend getting out of the house and out for a walk in nature if you are going house crazy.
Do you and your family have a favourite park that you visit often?
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I’ve been hearing so much about Tynehead! Really need to go there. We love going to Sunnyside Acres and Redwood Park. Have you been to redwood? If you go, check out the fairy doors!