We went to a Harvest Party last night and I had several people comment on the face paint and makeup I had done when I posted photos on my Facebook page.
Growing up my family did not do the usual Halloween outing of trick-or-treating, instead it was a family night where we’d watch a movie, go bowling, that sort of thing. I went trick-or-treating for the first time a couple years ago when we tagged along with friends of ours who were taking their little girl out for the first time. No I did not knock on the doors and get candy, I just had fun walking around with them and seeing their daughter so happy.
I have done creative makeup just a couple times for different get togethers, or for the Halloween dress up day at the school I work at. Sometimes something just gets my attention and I think “sure, lets give that a try”. I have also done the typical face paint for a carnival themed day at the summer camp we volunteer at. Painting, and doing stuff like this is something I really enjoy doing. I find it to be really fun, and a great outlet for my creativity.
Jason, one year when we were invited to a party for Halloween (this was back in the days of dating), wanted to go as Two-Face. The Dark Knight had come out that year. I actually ended up doing his face paint twice, once to practice, the other for the party. It took me about an hour each time for his as it was much more detailed. I went as some sort of robot and just painted some metal panels on my face.
Another time I did half a sugar skull on my face. This one the students at my school, and my coworkers really liked. I actually had some difficulty doing that one because the power was out in our home, and I had woken up late for getting ready to go to work. It was a bit rushed, but it came together nicely.
This time, we went with a woodland theme for our family costume. I decided to be a deer, but was running out of time for my costume as I had spent most of my free time working on my husband’s shirt, and modifying my daughter’s owl costume. What could I do? Bring on the makeup again! I found a few inspirational photos and combined them into something I liked. I liked that using makeup didn’t go all crunchy and majorly itchy like face paint does. Its a much better option I find.
That looks so cool!
Thanks Katie