Photo Credit Julie Christine Photography
Dear Cancer,
You’ve been trying to impact us negatively in so many ways; mentally, physically, etc… You’ve stolen our peaceful nights and filled our dreams with nightmares. Our nights are consumed with little and very broken sleep. You are causing pain and heartbreak through each day of treatment.
You’ve rocked our daily life and flipped our routine upside down as you disrupt each day. Causing panic as we try to get time off from work and figure out childcare. You’ve caused fustration as we try to explain to two young girls why Daddy is sick.
Confusion has taken over as we try to understand why? Why our family? Why Jason?
This is not what we imagined our life together as husband and wife would be like. We never thought that cancer would be a part of our story over the past several months.
Yet, here we are.
Here we are trying to make our way through the new routine of appointments, blood work, treatment and more. All with the support of those around us offering to help in any way they can. Watching the girls. Taking our oldest to school and picking her up after school. Folding laundry. Bringing meals. We are blessed with an amazing group surrounding us and helping us through this.
Through all the chaos there was one way we could have a little bit of control. We had been encouraged to cut Jason’s hair before starting chemo started. This is just what we did. Yes it’s “just” hair, but it was his choice to get rid of it. He decided when it would all be trimmed super short.
Week one of Jason’s chemo is over. On to the next eight weeks. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13
You guys got this!
I admire and respect your positive and proactive approach to dealing with this menace called cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Praying for your health. You both are so sweet. Your love will help conquer this nasty thing!