The other day we headed down to Stanley Park bright and early. A friend of ours (fellow co-worker and former room mate of my hubby) was competing in a triathlon down there. We decided it would be a great adventure to head down there to cheer our friend on, and get a little walk in around the sea wall. It’s been a little while since we took a little walk around the sea wall.
Little did we know it would turn into a find parking adventure! Thankfully we do sort of know ways to zig zag around the park, and to get to where we needed to be even with all the closed roads. Though parking prices had definitely been up-ed since the last time we’d been out that way; it’s why I like to visit the aquarium in the fall in winter when parking prices are at their lowest.
While waiting to see if we could spot our friend, Evie wanted to do some monkeying around on the rings and monkey bars. I was really impressed that she could hold on for a bit. Don’t worry her Daddy was keeping a very close watch on her and was there to catch her. The look on her face was so funny because it looked like she was even in disbelief of what she was doing, but then she was all smiles when she’d drop into her Daddy’s arms. We did managed to be at the finish line area and see our friend do his final lap around the running portion and come through the finish line. I cannot imagine what it is like to do a race like this. It was amazing to see a wide age range too. Maybe my next goal for fitness will be to train and do a triathlon? Definitely not anytime soon, but who knows, a girl can dream right? We got to congratulate our friend on his finish before we had to head off because Evie was getting a bit grumpy, nap time was coming up.
We did fit in a quick little walk along a portion of the sea wall. I am very much looking forward to coming out to Stanley Park in the fall. I want to rent a bike again while all the leaves are changing colours, and bike the sea wall. Since it was a bit of a chilly morning, even with the triathlon it was not too busy on the sea wall. I loved seeing Evie’s head constantly looking around looking at the different animals; ducks out on the water, and squirrels running up trees. It made for a great way to start the morning.
Watching with Daddy to to try and spot our friend.
Jason learned that chestnuts are in these spiky pods.
When we had our engagement photos done, one was taken in front of this wall.
Watching all the ducks swim past us.
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Love that you’ve continued on with the family shot in front of the wall. How times have changed. Love the shot of the chestnuts. Stanley Park is so beautiful. Even though I like in Ontario, I’ve been a few times and can still picture it in my mind.
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo