Easter has come and gone, and what a wonderful, busy holiday it was. Our Easter weekend was packed full of family time, good meals, and some firsts for Addie. Prepare yourself for a photo filled post with a glimpse of our Easter as a family of four. There are still days where I cannot believe we have two little girls, and are a family of four now. Holidays though are even more incredible with them.
We started the weekend off with an evening picnic with my extended family. We went to a local park that I used to play at when I was a kid. It was odd for me seeing a little splash pool that I used to think was massive when I was a kid, when in reality it is very small. Everyone brought their own food, and it was a nice time to catch up. My Nana even came prepared with a tea cup for her hot drink. I am so doing that from now on, packing a fancy tea cup for any picnics! Evie happily got to play in the playground, and take part in different activities like croquet. Addie tried her first chocolate cookie, and she loved it. It became a total mess covered in drool but she just happily gummed away at it. I guess you really are more relaxed about things the more kids you have.
We had tossed around the idea of having family photos taken with Jason’s family a couple of times, and we suddenly decided that this weekend would be perfect since everyone was around. Our go to photographer Danika Lee Photography, who did our maternity photos, came to our rescue with this idea. We were able to book a last minute session with her. I cannot wait to see the photos, though I’m sure Jason and I look a bit exhausted in them because both of our girls were up multiple times the night before.
Easter Sunday we went to church in the morning. I got stuck in the car with Addie who fell asleep on the drive to church. I was not risking her waking up as soon as we walked inside so I decided it would be best if I stayed in the car, while Jason and Evie went in. Addie has not been napping at all lately, and I was not waking a sleeping baby! It was wonderful to be at church, and remember the reason for this holiday.
Once home I quickly rushed around hiding Evie’s Easter eggs. We do not put a belief in the Easter bunny or anything like that into our kids, but they will be taught to respect those kids that do. We do still have some fun of doing an egg hunt. I got in trouble though when one egg was put out of reach. Evie did call for back-up with getting her Daddy to reach it for her. Addie’s gift to us has been figuring out how to sit on her own over Easter weekend. She is still a bit wobbly after a bit, but she’s got it figured out!
While a few treats were quickly enjoyed we headed off to my parent’s for a family dinner. My mom made a very yummy ham for dinner, with so many yummy side dishes! I was also spoiled with a cheesecake that had a corner without cherries on it just for me.
Monday was a very busy day too. We went to Aldor Acres first thing in the morning. I wanted the girls to get to see all the baby animals that have been born recently. It was Addie’s first time there, and we were able to say thank you again to the family who owns the farm for letting us do our maternity photos there. We also got to introduce them to Addie. A hay ride was enjoyed where we saw a bull, and a couple cows hop a fence onto the road. A call was quickly made for them to be brought back to the farm.
It was then off to meet with Jason’s family again for lunch before his parents hit the road to drive back home. Lunch was a bit crazy as both girls were tired. It was nap time. Addie fell asleep while there, and Evie got grumpy. Even with being a bit crazy, it was still nice to spend some time together.
We had a very busy Easter weekend, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Filled with family.
How was your Easter weekend?
That is a really busy Easter weekend. It sure does look like a lot of fun. Evie seems so sweet to her little sister, it’s very cute.
After writing it all out I realize it was a pretty busy weekend! Evie loves her sister to bits
Omg cuteness overload!!! Just loving all of your photos!!!! Glad y’all had a great Easter!
A whole lot of cuteness! Thanks for the love. Hope you enjoyed your Easter as well.
Looks like a lovely holiday weekend. Such sweet family photos — and that red hat of yours is awesome!
It definitely was lovely. Thanks for reading
That is wonderful that you had such a nice Easter weekend and squeezed a photo session in too! I love that a special cherry-free section of the cheesecake was reserved for you!
How Fun!! What amazing pictures. It definitely looks like you had an awesome Easter as a family of 4
Aw, I’m loving the photos! It looks like both your girls had fun!
Thanks Jennifer! It was a busy but fun day indeed.
Looks like a great time , love all the pics , so cute