Some days you just do not want to be at work. Monday was one of those days for me. I wanted to be at home, and outside with my little family. We have had some nice weather this winter, and Monday was no exception. It was beautiful out. I rushed home after work, and I tried to patiently wait for my daughter to wake from her nap. I had come home with a goal in mind. We were going to the beach!Alas, Jason had to work an evening shift so he could not join us. He did help me get everything ready in a hurry, and get her loaded into the car once she woke up. If only I could tell what she was thinking, she probably thought Mom had lost her marbles. That happened a long time ago kiddo. I wanted to get to the beach before the sun set. We ended up getting stuck waiting for a train, but we made it.
This was Evie’s first time at Blackie Spit Park. She has not been near a beach since the summer, back when she was a little beach bum, and was only able to sit while at the beach. This time our visit was a whole other adventure.Since she is able to walk, she wanted to do just that, walk. She waddled every where. Numerous people stopped to watch as she sauntered passed them. Many asking “How old is she?” “Wow! She has such great balance for such a little girl!” She ventured all over the place, down the wharf, and along the trail. Her favourite place though, was on the beach itself.
We spent a good hour just walking along the sand shores. She collected different rocks, and at one point had a little pile going, but decided it was better to just carry two favourites. One in each little hand. We found ourselves with a crowd watching us, more so her, from up above on the trail. Seemed she brought smiles to the faces of many by her excitement from being some place new.I think we both needed this time out of the house. To just relax, and soak up some vitamin D from the sun. It was so worth the rush home, and the panic of getting to the beach before the sun set. We got lots of time in exploring, and we are already planning our next trip back soon. Some times you just need to change things up, instead of our normal afternoon routine, we made a fun little memory.
Do you ever decided to pack up your kid(s) last minute and just get out of the house? I am definitely doing things like this much more often.
Our other sandy adventures, from the summer, can be found here: