I am at a place where I am currently trying to figure out what on earth works for my body. It’s changed a lot over the years, especially the last 3. I’ve been pregnant 4 times, 2 of which have brought us our gorgeous daughters. The other two ended in miscarriage. All impacted my body, and emotions. I’ve never been the modelesque type. I’ve always been described as tall, and curvy. I’m plus size. I know that, and I don’t mind.
What I do mind is not having an easy time finding outfits that make me feel pulled together, presentable, beautiful, and more. Often the items I find in store, that are made for my size do not work for me. It’s like plus size and tall do not go together in the same category. If I find pants that fit my curves, they are often too short in the length, if the length is good, they are too small. Why does it have to be one or the other? Anything with sleeves is down right infuriating. The majority of long sleeved items are 3/4 length on me. I own a raincoat, but my arms stick way out past the sleeve. I tend to wear all long sleeved items shoved up to my elbows, its a force of habit. Why bother wearing it down, when it doesn’t hit me where it should anyways?
I’m trying! I am honestly trying to be happy with my wardrobe, and to make sure I get changed out of my pajamas at least once each day and look pulled together . I’ve purged a lot of my clothing recently, and plan to do so again soon. Most of the clothing in my closet has a maternity label on it, and has been well loved. Time for those items to go. I’m trying to dress for my current body so that I am happy with the clothes that I am in. Right now anything I wear needs to be nursing/pumping friendly…. so thankful for my nursing tanks to make any shirt nursing friendly! I feel awkward nursing out in public. It is not something that has come easily to me at all. I am still trying though.
Since my body has changed so much, I do easily become discouraged about how I look. I will see a photo of myself and instantly dislike what I see. I am going to try, and look at photos of me and focus on the positive things. Like perhaps its a photo of my daughters and I together, perhaps Evie and I have silly looks on our faces. So what if I may not like seeing a hint of a double chin. Its a moment in time that my girls may want to be able to look back on. They will not see my wrinkles, rolls, or chins. They will see their mother. I want my girls to see my smiling, always! I want them to know that how I looked at that moment in time is perfectly fine, that was me. I already know my oldest daughter loves me. It’s funny the list of things she will spout off telling me she loves about me… “I love your eyes! I love your eye brows! I love your zebra! (in reference to my stretch marks)” she just knows me, as me. The person right before her eyes. I wish I loved myself as much as she does at times. She does not care about the imperfections, and that is something I need to work on.
So for now I am working on making sure my wardrobe makes me happy, and is nursing/pumping friendly, and that I do not hide away from photos. I want my girls to always smile!
Outfit Details
Chiffon-Hem Sweater
Long Cardigan (sold out) Similar Here
Skinny Belt (sold out)
Felt Floppy Hat
Chunky Knit Infinity Scarf (sold out) Similar Here
And because she is just so darn cute, and wanted in on the photo action. Here is Evie wearing my big floppy hat.
Love the whole look. The hat pulls it all together, a total natural beauty! I think for woman we will continually be “trying to figure it out” but it’s best we love every stage and have fun with fashion, exactly what you’re doing.
Women’s sizing may work for you. They are made with curves where you need them and extra length. They have a W after the size. Laura’s carries women’s sizing. Sometimes we are our own worst critic..
I love this outfit, especially the hat. With my weight being a yo-yo, I can definitely relate to the struggle of not feeling quite right in clothes. This is probably why I enjoy pregnancy so much, as I am confident with my weight and don’t mind the belly having tighter clothes on it. I need to remember that overall, it doesn’t matter and to have confidence on the inside is the main thing!
I think you are absolutely beautiful! Inside and out. And I also think that it is okay to have those “bad” days where we just don’t feel the greatest…ummmm hello monthly visitor.
Right now I’m struggling A LOT more than I should with my body image. It’s more than just one bad day here and there. My ab muscles never came back together after my 3rd so it looks like I am 5 months pregnant ALL THE TIME. So discouraging. I can’t wear dresses as it make it look worse and I’ve resulted to bagging t-shirts to hide it. *sigh*
Love your positive attitude! I learned its best to buy clothes that fit and ignore the size tag. Nothing worse that trying to squeeze into an ill fitting piece of clothing. Doesnt look good and certainly not comfortable. Hard though when you so badly want to lose weight and not wanting to invest in a whole bunch of clothing that hopefully wont fit in a few months.