Maybe we are a little more easy going than other parents, but even with that being said we are never far from our daughter. My parents were always great about letting my sisters and I try new things. I’m reminded a lot of how my daughter is just like a mini me… stubbornly independent.
Evie is learning, and its incredible watching her. Most recently she has learned how to climb up and go down the slide. We have been taking her to the park for a long time. Just recently though she has been able to do more on her own, and we let her try. How is she to learn if we don’t give her the opportunity to fail and to succeed?
She gets this very focused look on her face that shows just how determined she is to do something. We have also started hearing a lot of “No, no, no!” When we ask her if she needs our help. It used to be that we had to help her up to the top of the slide. Not now. She has realized there are steps to help her up. Sure she sometimes misses the top one, but she is already holding onto the top and pulling herself up by the strength of her little arms.
Evie is very good about saying “Help please.” when she want’s or needs us for something. She knows she isn’t on her own, and that we are there for her. I love that she is learning what she is capable of doing. Sometimes it means the odd bump, bruise, or bandaid needed for her knee and that is okay. She is learning what we already know… that she can do it!
Keep up the hard work Evie!
My 13 month old hasn’t figured out the traditional way, but has started climbing up the slide when others aren’t going down it!