I was contacted the other day and offered an incredible opportunity, or so my hubby said it was. I was asked if I would be interested in going up for a flight with Brent Handy of Redline Aerobatics. I had to check with Jason because he was working graveyards, but I’d need him and Evie to come with, or for him to watch Evie at home. So I was debating not going, and just staying home. I am so glad that Jason said “You HAVE to go! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity!” because it really was.
After getting lost trying to find where I needed to go, and realizing I was exactly where I needed to be, I got escorted out to the runway to meet Brent. I wasn’t really sure exactly what I was getting myself into. I had this visual of the planes from the recent Disney movie running through my head. I had my fingers crossed that I would get to see a classic looking plane. I got to see Brent bring his plane out of the hanger, and it was better than the idea I had in my head of what I was going to see. Brent has a gorgeous red and white, Pitts Special S-2B. When you think classic plane, this is it!
I was introduced to Brent, and he just has this personality that sets you at ease and makes you realize you are in good hands for what was about to happen. Add in the fact that he is a husband and a Dad, I knew that he wanted to make it back down to the ground too! Brent started down the path of getting into the skies when he was 16. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets with one goal in mind – free pilot training!
Brent had a goal, and he worked hard to reach it. You can easily tell how much he loves flying. We also had a great conversation about how if you really truly want to fly, and become a pilot, you can do it! If you are willing to put in the hard work, and effort, and possibly go the same way of joining the Air Cadets, it is a goal you can achieve. We also came up with the slogan of “Get youth off the streets, and into the skies.”
With being a passenger in the plane, I had to wear a parachute. That’s a first! Brent went over what I’d need to do if for some reason we did have to leave from the plane… unbuckle from the seat, get out, find the rip cord, don’t take your eyes off it, two hands, pull… I started praying more right after this. Next up was figuring out how to get into the plane. The key part, don’t snap off the canopy which is the most fragile part. Brent was great about explaining where to step, and where you could grab onto for getting in. Apparently I had one of the smoothest entries and exits, though I don’t know about that! Inside it’s feels very snug, but part of that is thanks to the buckles keeping you locked in. We were taxiing around for a bit before we were finally given permission to take off and into the skies. In order to see when taxiing the plane goes in a zig zag formation along the runway so the pilot can see out since the nose points so high up.
The whole experience of being up in the sky, in a smaller plane was absolutely incredible. It’s so peaceful up there. My hubby is more of the thrill seeking adventurer than I am, he’s gone bungee jumping several times now and is trying to convince me to let him go parachuting. I was torn about doing anything but a simple flight. Like I mentioned earlier, Brent sets you at ease, and I decided to say one more prayer, and trust the skills God has given him as a pilot – he was a Canadian Forces Snowbird after all! So when Brent asked if I wanted to see what some aerobatics where like I said to go for it! I was stunned at how fun, crazy, petrifying, and amazing it was! This is coming from a girl who has never even been on a roller coaster before. Go big or go home right?
This was something that I didn’t even know I had on my bucket list, but it’s now on there and crossed off. Coming back down, I was beginning to think that maybe I should consider changing career paths. Brent kindly reminded me that it is never too late to do that. So who knows, maybe I will start working towards a new goal of becoming a pilot! Thank you so much Brent! That truly was a once in a life time opportunity.
Would any of you go up in a small plane like this and let the pilot do some aerobatic stunts?
We are headed out to the Abbotsford Airshow today. After this big adventure the other day, I want to know what the airshow is all about, as I’ve never been before. If you are going out on Saturday or Sunday, Brent will be up in his plane and performing all sorts of aerobatics at 11am. Keep an eye out in the sky for that gorgeous red and white plane!
My friend Louise, of GC Photography, and Talk Nerdy to ME was also out for the same incredible experience, you can see her post all about it over here, she also has a great video from her barrel roll experience. Thank you so much Louise and Gary for the photos you snapped while I was up flying.
Well I’m jealous ! What an amazing opportunity
Rachel, I still cannot believe that I got to do that. It was so much fun!