Soon we will be taking Evie to preschool twice a week, and she is excited to start going. She will have to wait a bit though because she does not start til this fall. This past weekend we had our orientation at the preschool she was attending, and I was not sure exactly what to expect. We all got into the car and headed there early in the morning on Saturday and waited with several other parents and toddlers… soon to be preschoolers.
While waiting to go in the kids were all playing on the outdoor play equipment. It seems that this is the place where bad behaviours often come out of kids. I see it at my work daily. Sure enough I spotted a child who was picking on the other kids, and being very aggressive. Evie ended up with her arm slammed in the door of a play house. Thankfully that was the least of her injuries as this child continues to be mean towards other kids. It put a really bad taste in my mouth when after I asked the kid firmly to stop and be nice (EA side of me totally kicked in), and have this behaviour continue to then be calling out for the parent of this kid and not have them come over. I was not happy.
Soon thankfully we all went into the preschool and got to meet the two teachers who will be there on Evie’s days. All of the kids got to discover the different toys and activity areas available inside as we all got settled in. The one kid was soon at it again, but thankfully Evie kept her distance. Instead we watched as she went around to different areas and shared with different kids. She was also quick to try and get other kids involved who were sitting on the edge with their parents. It gives me hope that she will do well in preschool. I can so want this sweet and caring side of her to continue.
We got to see a bit of what the routine will be like each day. The nice part is that the first week or so will be gradual entry into the full 2 and a bit hours she will be there for. We had an opportunity to get questions as the kids played. Over all it was a really great experience.
The one thing that we are concerned about besides making sure Evie is potty trained by September (I’m not too worried apparently my sister’s and I all potty trained the day before preschool after getting the threat that we could not go from our mom. Just like that we were trained!). We will actually be switching Evie come January to a different prechool come the new year. A different one is opening up closer to home, and is connected to a local private school. We did attended an open house there, and Evie loved it at their current preschool location too. There are a few things that are different between the two so we already know that we are making the right choice to switch her. It will be a brand new preschool, and everyone will be starting new there basically. It will be a learning curve for all. We are hopefully that Evie will be used to the routine and will transition well… we wait to see I guess.
I have many great memories from when I went to preschool. Playing outside with different kids and running through all the fall leaves. Going on field trips to the pumpkin patch and the children’s festival. Eating octopus for the first time. Bringing a birthday cake to share with everyone. As well as my mom coming in with my baby sister soon after she was born for show and tell day. I cannot wait for Evie to start making memories of her preschool days!
Did you put your kid(s) into prechool? How did the first day/week go?
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So sweet! Congrats on your little gal being ready for pre-school, it makes me sad AND excited to think of my toddlers going to school.
We’re going to start my daughter in preschool too. She’s a bit older, she’ll be 4 when she starts. But we’ll also be starting my son too and he’ll be 2. I’m a little nervous, but I think after the first week, we’ll all adjust just fine!