With the start of the new school year I have been thinking about my return date to work more and more. It has been creeping up on me very quickly. Everly is now 8 months so I do not have much more time left with my maternity leave.
I am blessed to have a job that I love, I was actually a little sad when the first day of school came and passed. Its the first time in 5 years that I have not been at a school the first day. Even with a job I love, it does not make the thought of leaving sweet little Everly any easier.
Being a working Mom is not an easy choice for me to make. It seems a lot of Mommy bloggers are stay at home mom’s. Some how that makes it even harder on me, but I cannot let the influence and comparison to other Mommy bloggers get to me. What is important first and foremost is my family.
What will be best for my family is that I return to work. Thankfully with working in the school district, I work school hours and days. Which means I am lucky to have Christmas break, Spring break, and Summer vacation. Sure they are not paid, but I get to be with my family then, it is a time frame I get to look forward to. I recently got a phone call from the Principal at the school I am posted into. I was sad in June to have been informed that my position was going to lose some of my hours. I went to the big posting meeting at the end of the month to see if maybe there was something else for me. Jason and I had talked about, prayed about it, and looked over all of the postings. When they got to me there were two postings for a school next door to my house still available, but I knew it was not where I was meant to be just yet. I kept my current posting with the drop in hours. Any ways back to the phone call. I was pleasantly surprised to be informed that the Principal has more hours to offer me! That was a huge answer to prayer! When I go back to work, I will be working full time, whats considered full time for school hours any ways.
For me going back to work is a very emotional choice, but its the right choice. We are blessed to own a beautiful town house. While it may not be “the dream home” we have enough room for our family. With owning a home comes all the financial stress, so that is part of why I am going back to work.
I also want my daughter to know that she can do anything she sets her mind to. I want her to know that if she wants to go after a certain career she can do it. I want her to dream big about her future! I want her to see that I enjoy my job. I’ll be honest, I am kinda looking forward to having a reason to get out of sweat pants each day. Its just so easy to stay in them when at home. I also know that the time away during the day from Everly, will make me value the time I have when I get home to be with her and my husband even more special and important. It’s not that I don’t value it already, I just know how much I look forward to seeing them when I go out for a girl’s night, that feeling is going to be intensified.
Jason is hopefully going to be able to work from home so that he can watch Everly in the mornings while I am away at work. This will be a great opportunity for him to develop a great relationship with our daughter. I can only imagine what they will get up to, I’m sure there will be lots of messes for me to clean up, but I don’t mind.
For now this is the route we are going as a family. Maybe in the future it will change. I dream of homeschooling. So we will see what else is in store. For now I am already trying to get myself back into a morning routine that is similar to when I had been at work. Everly has been helping with the early morning wake up schedule.
Larissa Sevenhuysen says
It’s so great to have a job that you look forward to going back to!
I certainly miss my job I had in Victoria, but in no way do I miss working. Being a stay at home mom does come with drawbacks though, since it means we are only on one (tiny) income. It means we forgo common luxuries like buying coffee or eating out more than once a month, visiting attractions, any kind of impulse purchase or frivolous item, or shopping anywhere other than thrift stores. So it’s a good thing those aren’t important to me! It would only make sense for me to go back to work if we had any family in the area which we don’t. So Calvin and I see a lot of eachother and our living room. 🙂
momentsinmommyland says
I’m with you Larissa! We too have to forgo many things because I am a stay at home mom. And being home full time is certainly not easy! Especially as you add more kids to the mix!
tamaraelda says
I never said that being a stay at home Mom is easy. Being a working Mom or a stay at home Mom are equally difficult and challenging in their own right. Here I am just talking about what is going on with us, and why this is currently the right choice for us.