Does anyone else have anxiety when it comes to driving in the car with a baby? It’s something I have dealt with for each of my kids. It started with our oldest having horrible reflux. One of us would always sit in the back to make sure she was okay. That’s continued with our next two kids. I struggle to drive by myself in the car with the girls when they are babies, always being anxious. Worrying about how they are doing in the back of the car. Not even a mirror would help. If they started to cry, my anxiety went through the roof. I rarely would drive by myself with the kids until they were older. Often, just refusing to go anywhere and declining any invitations to go out.
Pandemic babies truly are something else. I’ve realized I’m not alone in what’s going on with our youngest. As I’ve shared about our car struggles and several other things, I’ve had many messages from others dealing with similar problems. Little ones who cry and scream as soon as they are in the car. Why? They are not used to traveling and going out and about. We’ve pretty much been at home for a large chunk of the last year. Add in my anxiety, and forget it! We would only go out if we had to, and preferably if an adult could sit in the back to watch the baby.
We are starting to reach a turning point it seems with traveling in the car. If we attempt to be strategic for when we go out, making sure to depart after a fresh diaper and a bottle so she has a full bottle, and bonus if we can go when it’s nap time… things are going much better. We had one horrible day last week when I tried to drive out to Cultus to visit Jason and the girls when they were camping. The next day I was more strategic about going and it worked out so much better. Orie will settle right in and if she does get a bit restless, if we start playing Rend Co Kids music she often goes right to sleep. Jason and I have been able to sit in the front of the car. No parent needs to squish into the back.
Most recently we went on a drive to pick something up for me and we decided to drive even further. Jason has been wanting to go to Meat & Bread for over a year. The Abbotsford location had closed and we don’t often go into Vancouver. This time, we headed to the Cambie location. If you love a good sandwich and haven’t checked this place out, give it a try if you’re ever near one of their locations. I always enjoy their grilled cheese (yes I am basically a kid). Jason is always deciding between their feature, this time it was pulled pork, or the meatball sandwich.
Now, does anyone know where I can find Stumptown Cold Brew Coffee? Jason really enjoyed it and we have no idea where we can get more of it.
With everything that has happened this past year, we are remaining hopeful. Hopeful that things are opening up again. Hopeful that numbers keep going down. Hopeful for some more date day outings with our cute little third wheel. Hopeful that this is the start of my being able to drive on my own with our youngest without fear of my anxiety taking over and refusing to drive anywhere.
Here’s to many more car rides.