Before I went back to work Evie always looks forward to her Daddy coming home. It was amazing to see her face light up, and just how happy she was to see her Daddy come through the doors in the evening. Then things switched and it was Daddy who was home during the day since he could work from home depending on his shift for work, and it was Mommy who went off to work. This started a bit of a “I want mommy only” phase, especially around bedtime. I felt terrible because Jason would want to go through Evie’s bedtime routine with her, but she would be crying for me. We did stick to our plan, and we rotated back and forth for who was with her, so that she learned that either Mommy or Daddy could put her to bed. Thankfully our happy, easy going girl returned. It was a learning curve for her, and we all made it through.
I did think it was important that Evie start to get more one on one time from both of us. She has recently gotten to enjoy outings to the local coffee shop with her Daddy. Where they chatted over a bottle of milk, and a cup of coffee. Today she got to go for a trip on the bus with her Daddy, and they came to visit me on the strike lines at work, and play in the playground at the school. Evie has been learning all about different vehicles, and is very quick to point out a bus when she sees one. The trip today was something very special for her. Heading home I asked her if she liked riding on the bus with Dada, and right away she said “yes Mama!”
I’m sure many of you have seen the video that went around on social media of the Dad taking his daughter out on her “first date”. I really liked that video. Dad’s should be the first example of how men should treat women, through their relationship with their wife, so that their daughter’s grow up with a great example and know what qualities they should be looking for in a guy. It all starts so young. Kids really are the best at reading people like books, they know if they like you or not.
These little outings are great ways to help have a special moment in time to remember Evie at this age too, she is growing up much too fast!
What special moments! I love taking my son out on little coffee dates…and even though I am home with him in the days, it is so important for both parents to put aside routine and spend some special quality time with the little ones! Great habit to get into and such great bonding. Oh and you or your husband will have to take her on the train next!!