Happy 3rd birthday Addie!
This weekend we celebrated Addie’s third birthday with a little cake and dinner. It feels like we just had her pumpkin patch birthday for her second. This year we kept things really simple with her choice of what she wanted to eat at our usual family dinner and added in some birthday cake. She knew exactly what she wanted!
She was very quick to request macaroni and my Mom took it from there with adding meatloaf and salad to the menu. I continued my tradition of baking the birthday cake. When I asked Addie what she would like she immediately asked for a Mickey cake. This girl loves Disney as much as I do!
We will be doing a bigger party with more friends and family later, but we’re actually planning a joint party for both of the girls next month. Makes it easier on me since they both want the same theme, but you’ll have to wait to find out what. For now, this was the perfect way to celebrate her, especially since she can become shy when around many people.
It was adorable watching her rip through the two gifts she received. The clothes and safety equipment for her scooter will be in high rotation. As she was walking back to the car after her little party, she kept singing “Happy birthday to Addie!” over and over. It was so cute to hear.
Three Things I Hope To Always Remember About Addie At This Age
- She knows exactly what she wants and is very determined. This may mean working on learning how to ride her strider bike or a scooter, or what book she would like to hear at bedtime.
- She is full of love! This girl gives the best hugs and always knows when someone needs it. Plus she calls everyone her friend which is the sweetest thing.
- She has a unique sense of humor with an appreciation for slapstick. She has really enjoyed watching classic Mickey Mouse cartoons and really likes the ones with Pluto. Her giggles are incredible when watching these, it becomes infectious.
Happy birthday little one! We love you to the moon and back!
So, so cute! I love the cake! What a great way to celebrate your sweetie!
Happy birthday, kiddo! Love that Mickey cake and I bet it was delish!!! What an exciting age ~ so much adventure ahead!
So cute. My favorite age. It will be so good to have these memories.
Awe happy birthday sweet Addie