With maternity leave coming up I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m going to do besides taking care of my two daughters. I am hoping to be able to get some time, either early in the morning, or in the evening after they go to bed to be able to do some things for myself. Now I definitely have to wait for clearance from the doctor before I start anything, but I know what I want to work towards for health and fitness goals, and I am looking forward to it. My husband has some similar goals, and with his turning a part of our home into a “man-cave” if you will that he wants to get more work out equipment for, I’m hoping we can get to reach our goals together.
I have struggled with my weight, how I look, and confidence in myself for many years. While I will gladly own my curves, and plus size figure I know I am not happy where I am at. Before becoming pregnant with this little girl due in October I was already working towards a weight loss goal. I am wanting to pick back up where I left off after her arrival. Now though, it will also include getting rid of the baby weight, and then getting back to it for fitness. I thought I would share what some of my fitness and health goals are. I’d love for some support and encouragement a long the way.
- Weight loss… this is probably my biggest goal. I would love to get down 30 to 40% of my current body weight. However, I want to be happy where ever I get to. If I lost 20% of my current weight I would be back to where I was when Jason and I started dating. It was the happiest I ever was with my weight, and how I looked backed then. So we will see, if I do go as far as loosing 40% I may be looking at needing corrective surgery and that kind of freaks me out a bit due to cost and risks. I have always said that I want to put my boobs back where they belong after having kids though (said in a joking way).
- Running… I want to get back into running. While I definitely am not the fastest, and I am sure I look ridiculous when I run I actually really started to enjoy it. It was great to get out on my own, or wonderful to take my daughter with me. She was always encouraging me to “Go faster! Run mama, run!”. I’m hoping to borrow a double jogger to see if I like that once baby girl is old enough to join us.
- Participate in races… I really enjoyed my experience taking part in the MEC races, if they keep doing those by the time I can get back into running, and do some training I want to do more 5k races and work towards my own personal bests. I am hoping to work towards taking part in one of the 10k runs too. Disney has several different runDisney events. I am definitely no where near being able to do a half marathon, as the recommended pace is 15 minutes per mile or you may get picked up and transported to the finish. This pace goes for all the runs. I would love to some day do the Tinkerbell 10k, the 2016 race is already sold out so I have lots of time to work towards the 2017 one (dear hubby, can we go back to Disneyland if I do this?)… who knows maybe I would be able to enter the Tinkerbell Half Marathon by then? Running 21km (13miles) totally freaks me out when doing my first 10k during the Vancouver Sun Run took me almost 2 hours. Oh boy, I have a long way to go.
- Fun events… I would like to do some fun events too like a Colour Me Rad, or a Rugged Maniac. I have seen the photos of my friends taking part in these, and I keep thinking how I would like to try some time.
- Health… All of this leads to just being much more healthy overall. I have a lot I need to work on. For example, I love breads but know I need to cut more out, even going to more of a gluten free since it is actually an allergy of mine just not one of my worst so I have always ignored it. Doing all of these things above, and then some I hope to feel a whole lot more healthy.
To reach all of these goals I have so much I need to do. I need to improve habits that I struggle with. I need to find time to work out, and run. Hopefully I will have the support and encouragement of others a long the way. I’m sure I will experience discouragement both from myself, and from others. I’m going to try my hardest. I want to do this for my kids, for my family. I want to be around as long as possible for them and being more fit and healthy plays a key part in that.
Do you have any health and fitness goals for the coming year?
It is wonderful that you are focusing on your health. That is such a great example for your family. My goal is to get more fit and exercise more.
What I have found really helpful for me, and others, (in fact so helpful I launched a challenge about it on my blog) is to commit to a new habit every day for 100 days. By the end of the 100 days you will truly have established a new habit (whether it’s fitness or otherwise!)
I’m so glad you posted this! It sounds just like me and reminded me that no matter how alone we can sometimes feel in this motherhood thing, there are tons of other moms out there going through the same exact thing as you are.
I have two sons–one is almost three and the other is one year. It is VERY difficult for me to stay motivated enough to stick with a workout goal for more than a week. I’ve tried to wake up super early before they wake up(which NEVER happens anymore….and when it did happen, they both woke up with me so I didn’t even get to workout…) or after they go to bed for the night(which also never happens because I’m so exhausted by that point that I use it as an excuse not to workout.)
I’m an ultra-realist, and I totally realize that most of it is me making excuses and not being strong enough to replace my bad habits with healthy ones.
I hope that we can both find strength, support, and encouragement to get to the weight we want to be at and gain our self confidence back!!! I’m ready for clothes shopping to be FUN again…..
I love your running shoes! And your goals are great. My goal is to lose the last 20 pounds. It’s very attached to me and doesn’t want to leave. I’d be happy to break up with half of it by the end of the year. After losing 85 pounds last year (gastric sleeve), my metabolism is shot. Stick to it. You can do this!
Good for you for announcing your intentions online. It can definitely help with accountability.
Great post. Good for you for working to achieve all your goals. Those shoes are amazing by the way! My goal is to just make time – there never seems to be enough time to take care of myself!
I did the same thing this year. I decided to focus on my healthy. I love to run as well. It is wonderful that you are holding yourself accountable. I wish you the best of luck.
One of my personal goals is to lose weight. But it sure has been slow going.
the mustaches on your shoes are seriously the cutest! I definitely need to do a better job of focusing on my fitness, We eat well; just can’t get moving.
Your shoes are the best! If that isn’t motivating I don’t know what is. Races scare me even though I have done a few 5K’s for the fun of it, I think you are right about them being good motivators. I’ll be giving that more thought:)
If you have time yous hould try lifitng weights along with cardio! It will help you get body fat down much more!
Giiirl, you got this. You will totally rock these goals. I’m rooting for you! Weight loss is on my list too. Always seems to be. lol
Such exciting changes for you! Congrats! Trying to get fit is hard work especially with littles. Looking forward to following your journey!
I’m excited to hear about your progress with these goals (but like you said, give yourself some time and wait for that clearance from the doctor, you don’t want to push yourself too fast). I like that you’re focusing on your health, above all that’s what counts (and it will lead to success in the other avenues). Congrats on baby #2!
For the coming year I would like to run a 25k and possibly another marathon. That of course will all depend on BabyT#3 and how much he is nursing.
I would like to gain some upper body strength as well. I’m hoping to have my elbow wire removed and then I’ll be able to do pushups and planks again.
Mentioning goals publicly definitely helps keep me accountable and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful as well.