With social media being such a huge thing today many announce everything from getting engaged to being pregnant on it. This got me wondering how others let the people in their lives know they are expecting. How did you share with those around you the big news?
I told Jason that we first time we were expecting, and again with Evie, with a piggy bank that had a note on it saying we needed to start saving for our child’s future. Our last pregnancy we took a photo together as a family and I said “1… 2… 3… say prego!” Hoping to get Jason’s reaction in it but he didn’t react to after the photo. I still love the photo of our little family and it’s a precious memento from before that miscarriage.
At 12 weeks a long when we were expecting Evie I shared a photo on my Facebook. I had been taking weekly photos before but this one was different I’d finally reached the end of the 12 week mark and was ready to share. I made a tshirt that had the numbers 1 to 40 on it. numbers 1 to 12 will crossed off. Everyone caught on very quickly that we were sharing the joyous news that we were expecting.
With having gone through 2 miscarriages now I don’t think I could ever announce early to everyone. We do have a small group of family and friends who we have let know early each timr so that we have some support and prayer from others. I do love how creative some of the announcements out there are. I’ve seen some fun ones involving other children in the family, or a photo of the mom looking in the freezer with a bucket of ice cream and a jar of pickles on the ground.
How did you announce that you were expecting? Did you wait 12 weeks or announce early?
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We announced we were pregnant with our son around 10 weeks since our families were all going to be together on New Years. We didn’ tell anyone (family included) until 10 weeks. I posted it on Facebook not long afterwards- just something simple. For the second time around, we told our family right away. I’ve been more casual about it. I won’t make any big announcement to everyone until later on. I think it’s nice telling at least close family and friends early though because if some, God-forbid, happens it’ll be nice to have the support.
we had planned a big announcement but it didn’t happen that way because I was so sick and my mom was worried about me, so we kinda just told her, we did tell my mother in law on her birthday though and she said it was the best birthday gift I could give her
The only reason we told people at 8 weeks is because I was so sick and I’m a terrible liar. There was no way I would be able to convince people I just didn’t feel good.
We waited 12 weeks with the first, I had a miscarriage when we were trying to get pregnant with our second so we waited until about 9 weeks to tell family after we got pregnant again. That tshirt is so cute!
I love that t-shirt. I’ve never been pregnant but I do love seeing different ways people announce.
What a cute idea! Love that you can take weekly pics in the same shirt to show growth and time passage at the same time. Mine wasn’t all that creative, just a photo of our ultrasound after 12 weeks. I did take pictures every handful of weeks but not weekly, and definitely not in the same outfit heh.