Every now and then you hear about something and right away you just go “That is brilliant!”.
I had one of those moments recently when I heard about KOOSHOO. These pants will make you wonder why no one thought of this sooner, and if you are like me, you’ll be wishing you had them with your first kid. They truly are the ultimate kids pants.
The creators behind KOOSHOO saw a problem, and have figured out a great solution. Childrenswear is one of the worst culprits in contributing to a massive amount of clothing being tossed in the garbage each year. Fashion has become “fast fashion” with the styles changing constantly, and often in stores. When you think about the sizes in baby’s clothing it is sold in 3 month size increments. A baby could end up going through 4 or more size ranges in their first year. Often those articles of clothing are only being worn for short periods of time.
What’s the big deal about KOOSHOO pants? They are pants that have been created to last a child three times longer than a regular pair of pants would. For example, Addie has worn three different sizes of pants since she was born; newborn/0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-12months. With KOOSHOO pants all those sizes are covered with one pair of pants!
Told you they are brilliant!
The pants have been designed to grow with your child thanks to having an expandable waistband, and cuffs. Roll the waistband up, and roll the cuffs down as your child grows. My favourite part is that these pants fit a cloth diaper bottom very well thanks to the expandable waistband. When you use cloth diapers on your baby they tend to be very bulky, and you have to go up in size in order for pants to fit properly. There have been no problems with cloth diaper booty thanks to these. The pants are available in sizes 1-18 months, and 2-6 years. How incredible is it that two different sizes of pants would see so much use? I am in love with this fact.
When the pants arrived to us I could tell right away a lot of thought had gone into them. From the detail of the tag on the cuff as you roll it, to the comfort of the fit and fabric. Even the stitching won me over. I will admit, in a sleepless haze I ended up putting the pants on her inside out one day. I didn’t realize until the end of the day. This was because of the flatlock stitching that is used on the pants.
Everyone loves a cute, little baby belly. It can be hard to find pants that fit though. Thanks to the wide waistband, and the stretch of the fabric there is no pressure placed on tummies. Joey from Friends comes to mind, and his Thanksgiving pants… you know the episode I am talking about. The fabric of the pants is a soft, organic cotton mixed with spandex.
Currently KOOSHOO pants are going to be made available in 4 solid colours, and 4 hand-dyed batik colours. All of them are great neutrals, the batik gives the pants a really fun look. I was amazed to find out that they are hand dyed. The magenta pink Batik are on my wish list.
You probably caught that I said “going to be made available” that is because KOOSHOO is currently part of an Indiegogo Campaign. Their campaign closes in June. If you love the idea of these pants as much as I do, it be incredible if you showed them support by picking one of their packages that are available. Crowdfunding is what’s helping make these kids pants a reality. Through the funds raised, they are able to put pants into production.
I am sharing about them here because it got me thinking about how I invest in fashion for myself, and for my kids. I’d love to see KOOSHOO reach their campaign goal.
Cute and comfy! That’s all they need!
So cute!!!!
I just might have to get a pair! So very frustrating when the pants finally fit my son in the waist then they are too short. So we move him to the next size up and they are great for length but too big in the waist!
So smart! I could of used these when my kids were little!