I was up late the other night making cupcakes for the first birthday party of our friend’s lil guy. I’m beginning to think that I would really like to take a cake decorating class but not for fondant, I want to learn how to do different things with icing. Might have to look into that.
I found some brown parchment paper cupcake liners and decided to use those. They may be the best liners I’ve used as they held their shape, and did not collapse when I put the batter in. I have a bit of a stash of liners because of all of the cupcakes I have made over the years. I really should figure out a craft to do with them all to help clear out my baking cupboard.
I have learned to always dirty ice cakes it makes it so much easier to make the actual icing layer loom presentable. I also put the cake in the freezer just for a few minutes to set the icing. This will seriously save your sanity when icing a cake. Ever try to decorate one and find cake crumbs all through the icing? This helps to prevent that from happening.
This time I decided to do something different and do ombre colours for the cake and cupcakes. Gel food colouring is my go to since so little is needed and the colours are always amazing. The gel food colouring is also great for other crafts such as squishy sun catchers.
No one else may have noticed but I tried to make the top of the cake look like a wave crashing in the ocean. It’s the little, subtle things right?
Looks awesome!
Thank you Allison. I always love to bake, just wish I could have tried a piece but still have 2 weeks to go for my Whole30 challenge.