Throughout the month of January our local zoo had a great deal where Monday to Thursday it was 50% off the admissions price to go in. I also learned that if you were in the zoo before 4pm, you could stay an hour after closing until 5pm. This provided a great opportunity to visit the zoo. The first time we visited this zoo with Evie was when she was 6 months old and we went with friends of ours and their kids. Evie is a major animal fan, she often picks out an animal book to be read to her every night at bedtime. She had almost all of them in her book memorized. We packed up a lot of snacks, and brought the stroller and headed to the zoo one dreary, grey, winter day recently.
Once Evie realized that she was going to get to see a bunch of animals she wanted out of the stroller and to get to walk around on her own. We may be fast approaching not needing a stroller any more, but on outings like this I am always glad to still have it with us as she does eventually end up in it when she is tired. It took us a bit over 3 hours to walk through the whole entire zoo. I was thankfully we had brought lots of snacks and drinks. Evie definitely needed them, and so did we.
I was pleasantly surprised that despite the rain we saw almost all of the animals that are at the zoo. The highlight for me was getting to see the hippos for once. I have been to this zoo several times, and it seems like every time I’ve gone I have never gotten to see the hippos. They were either napping at the bottom of the pond, or in their building which is very difficult to seen into because the windows are often fogged up. I don’t know if the fact that it was raining a bit brought them to the surface of the pond, or what, but it was really nice to see them. I loved seeing Evie rushing to see every animal. She was very happy getting to say hi to all of them. Our outing to the zoo made for a great little family adventure, and Evie crashed in the car after. If you need to tucker your kids out, this long walk around the zoo is a fun way to go about doing that! If you are looking for something to do this coming family day on February 9th, they are offering a discount to families. There will also be face painting, and some crafts available, as well as many other opportunities.
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Looks like a great place to visit. someone was plum tired out
Wow! What s nice adventure. I love that you can get close to zebras, my littles would be so happy.
Oh fun! We enjoy visiting our local zoo. Great pics!
My daughter still hasnt been to the zoo, she is almost two!! I am the worst mom ever since I KNOW she would love it! #secondkidproblems
My son loves the zoo. We should really head over there now. Winter is the best time because it isn’t crowded. Great pictures. It looks like you and your daughter had a great time.
I took my daughter to the zoo when she was about 7 months. Even though she was little it was something different to do on a beautiful fall day and nice to walk around. I look forward to taking her again when she understands a bit more. Looks and sounds like you guys had a great visit!