I love our nap time and bed time routine with Evie. She has a bottle still right before bed, and for nap time we try to give her a bottle about a half hour before bed in a different place than her bedroom. Then its story time in her room to help transition her to know its time to go to sleep. She has just recently started signing “book” and will even combine the signs for “more” and “book” to let us know she wants another book read to her. Some cuddles, and into the crib she goes. She grabs her two stuffies that are always in the crib, and will watch us as we turn on the sound machine and say “We love you, night night”. Then the light gets turned off and we always see her lie down in her crib with her stuffies close to her. It just amazes me how easy it is to get her to go to sleep now, I am so thankful for that. Her bedtime routine is a great chance to spend one on one time with her. I always look forward to it.