I do not have a great voice for singing at all.
Everly loves music, you will often find her swaying, or bopping along to it. Even clapping her hands along now. While pregnant with her she would often start kicking along too… not sure if that meant she liked what was playing or hated it. I’m going with she liked it because she is still so active when music is playing.
Since her arrival there have been several moments where I have sung her to sleep. It feels like such a huge accomplishment each time. It is almost one of those “Wow, I really feel like a Mom” moments for me. As my Mom often sang to all us girls.
Everly was born right after Christmas, and so I still had Christmas carols on the brain, and these were often what I would sing to her. Today we had another moment where she did not want to go down for her nap, she wanted cuddles. So I started singing “Silent Night” to her while holding her in my arms. She just looked up at me, while snuggled in nice and close her one hand tucked under her little chin, slowly her eyes start to shut. She was in her comfy place.
I love these little moments so much.