Oh how quickly they grow up, and learn new skills.
Something very sweet happened recently. Evie has taken to telling us when she is sleepy. It is incredible to me that she can now recognize that she is feeling tired, and that she should have a nap, or go to bed. For the past few days she has told us around nap time, and bed time that she is tired. She simply says “I sleepy” and off to bed we take her. She also says it right around the time we would normally be putting her to bed any ways. Her internal clock is spot on.
Each time this has happened she has been quick to go to sleep. I love it! I can’t express how much I love this. I think our sleep consultant from last summer would be very proud of this little girl! I am really hoping that this continues as she gets older. I hope she continues to recognize that going to bed and having a good nights sleep, or a good nap, is a great thing! She is always so happy after her naps, and in the morning. Hearing her little voice tell us “I sleepy” is really just the icing on the cake!
How fortunate you are. So many little ones cry and resist bedtime, and also wake up crying. You have a little gem there, and she seems to be learning all the right habits; something you and Jason can take credit for. So many young parents these days are not concerned about routine when it comes to bedtime etc. They keep late hours, so let their children do the same thing.
We are very lucky. The sleep consultant was a huge help last year with getting her into a better routine. Now she knows the drill. Sure we have the odd rough time but we stick to the routine.