Three days. Yes, 3 days of snow! I am hoping that it continues, and while I might be the only one hoping that, that is okay. I love snow. I really wish all of this snow had been around over the Christmas break, but I will gladly take it now.
I found myself leaving super early for work, and thankful I did because it did take longer than usual to get there. A lot of cautious drivers out there, and I was thankful for it. I am worried about the rest of the week, and if the temperatures drop as there are a few areas that have not had the snow cleared and will easily become skating rinks from the compact snow.
At work parking was interesting because the parking lot had not been cleared, and there was a lot of snow there, possibly more than at our home. The kids though, you could tell there were over joyed to see all of the snow. Sure enough at recess and lunch they all bundled up and went outside to build snowmen, and igloos. Snowball fights are not allowed. It is days like today where I really enjoy getting to go outside with the students at recess and lunch, because I got to take part in a lot of the fun of building a snowman. The soaking wet socks from snow that went higher than my boots was worth it to see the joy on their faces.Evie has been out in the snow a few times since it started. The first time she was not all too impressed, but I cannot blame her, poor girl had a lovely runny nose/cold combo going on. She wanted to go outside though! So we went out for a bit until she fell down and became very grumpy and could not get up. Can you picture the scene from A Christmas Story, the one where the little brother falls down in his snow gear? Yeah that was her in that moment. She has also gone for a stroller ride all the way to her chiro appointment with Daddy, and for a sled ride.
This girl loves being outside. Today I wanted to get a few photos of her out in it, but when we realized it was a foot of snow and getting higher she would have sunk right into it. I hauled her bright red high chair outside, and had her sit in that instead. She was not impressed when we brought her back in so quickly. Major tears were shed by this, it was like her whole world came crashing down. Guess I know what we will be doing tomorrow if its not a slushy mess. Outside we go!Like I mentioned, its over a foot of snow at our place. The walls of snow on either side of the side walk and path ways are much taller than that. This snow fall had me remembering that last time I shoveled snow. It was near the end of my pregnancy with Evie, and I had several comments asking why I was clearing our snow and not my husband. Truth by told, I wanted that baby out!
As a special treat, if you saw my post yesterday, we made snow ice cream. It is so easy to make, and very tasty. Definitely going to become a tradition we do if we get snow like this each year.
Tomorrow is going to call for warm bowls of soup, maybe some grilled cheese sandwiches, and a good cup of tea to help keep us all warm. What is everyone else up to with all this snow?
We are ready for snow to be gone here. We have had snow for three months and are starting to get some cabin fever. The birds have been singing lately, that is a great sign, it means Spring must be coming!