As you’ve seen in my post about how Halloween you’d see that Everly was dressed as an owl. I got a cozy little costume by Carter’s for her, the only thing was we felt the colours were too pale. So we decided to add a little something to her costume.
I went out and bought a bunch of sheets of felt fabric from the craft store, it was perfect timing because I had a coupon and the felt was on sale so I got a great price on it! I made a template for the feathers, and then traced and cute out lots of them. I needed enough to cover the wings of the costume. I ended up with maybe a dozen extra. It took a bit of time to hand stitch the feathers onto the costume, I probably could have glued them on but I was worried they would come off with how active Everly is. I also changed the colour of the little horns on the head of the owl to brown. My favourite little add on was the bow that I made out of the left over feathers.
These changes to her costume made it that much more special for her. We had a lot of compliments on it, and several people asked where we got it and were shocked to hear that I had made the changes to it myself. I am definitely thinking of making her costume fully next year if I am crafty enough to do it, plus we’ll see what she would like to dress up as.