Everly was put on medicine by the doctor to try and help her reflux. We were not seeing any change in it, in fact it actually seemed worse. She did not seem like a happy baby after we gave her the medicine either. We did not like how things were going and decided to stop the medicine.
I had so many suggestions and words of encouragement from those who read about what was going on. Thank you so much, that was a huge help to us. We have switched to trying Colic Calm with her, this was suggested by an over whelming number of people. The stuff will throw you off when you see it, it is black! Its a little weird when your infant looks like she’s already having a teenage emo-moment with black lips.
We cut the amount you are to give down big time, and we still have it very low. The very first time we tried it my cousin Cathy and her husband Rod were coming over to visit and meet Everly. I hadn’t seen Cathy since my sister’s wedding in November (before that the last time was my wedding in 2010!), and its been years since I’ve seen Rod. Any ways, it was like she was a different baby I fed her a bottle and she had no problem just a little bit of dribble. She fell a sleep a little bit after, and stayed napping for 2 hours. It was amazing. Jason and I were left stunned wondering what happened. Cathy was happy to have peaceful cuddle time with Everly.
Thank you for your continued support and prayer for her.
I'm so glad that product worked for you guys! Happy babies are way more fun. :)My friend had a son who preferred to turn his head to one side. The only problem was that it might make her head not perfectly round. I think she just tried to keep him on his tummy more often than his back, but when he was on his back, she would put interesting things on the side he normally wouldn't look to.