Some one loves books just as much as her mommy. It brings me so much joy to see how much she loves to flip through different books on her own, and to have us read them to her. When it comes to books her “signing manners” really come out as she is quick to sign “more book please” before we are even finished reading the first book she as asked for.
I thought we had set a record the one time when we read 8 books in a row before she signaled that she was ready for bed. The other day when we got back from a walk, she started bringing me book after book to read. 18 books in a row, and then she decided she wanted to go play with her FisherPrice house. I don’t think I could ever say no when she asks so nicely. I also just love the bonding time I get to have with her.
I think this home will always be filled with lots, and lots of books.
I love reading! My daughter also love reading and I’m so happy to see my granddaughter enjoy it as well. She 3 and can read (memory) some of her favourite book to you! It’s so cute!