Recently I posted about nap time and how Everly seemed to by trying to transition to just one nap on her own. Thankfully that stopped this week. She is back to needing and taking two naps a day. The other day she even crashed for a third… its mental leap and growth spurt time!
Now I’m back to feeling trapped by the nap. Everly sleeps her best in a quiet, dark, and peaceful place. Sure she can and will sleep in an Ergo, pack-n-play, stroller, the car seat, or someone’s lap if tired enough. She does have her times that are normally consistent for when she needs to have a nap.
Sometimes I try to plan according to her sleep schedule for if we want to or need to go out. Then there are other days such as Sunday when we go to church where that kind of gets thrown out the window. Some Sundays she will have no problem with getting her to nap in the nursery, other times its not even worth trying.
I guess with Fall being just around the corner, and with that comes the many days of rain and feeling trapped inside. I am starting to already feel like I’m stuck at home. Guess I just need to embrace the indoors? Soon I will be heading back to work so I am trying to cherish every last day I have at home with Everly. Yes I love my home, but some times you do feel like you are going a little crazy. Jason has noticed these days when they come up, I’m a bit of a grump then. I end up saying “I just need to get out”. Going for walks does help this feeling, but again the dreaded rainy season is coming.
For now I will continue trying to keep her naps to happening at home as often as possible, but I don’t mind if it has to be interrupted every now and than, and she ends up sleeping some where besides her bed. At least if she is tired, she will crash wherever she is, it may not be a good long nap, but at least it will be something that carries her through to bedtime.
Oh man! You and I are so different! I relish those few and far between rainy days we get here. I love having the excuse of bad weather for not leaving my house. I would way rather stay in my backyard than go to the park.
I hope you find ways to enjoy your time stuck at home this fall!
Oh I love the odd rainy day too. But I’ve actually really enjoyed the nice weather this year.