For over a year now we have had our car radio stations set to one music station. It started with wanting to listen to Christmas music all the time and it grew from there. The radio station, Praise 106.5, put out their “New Year, New You Challenge” and we accepted that challenge. So what has been like this past year?
Life changing that is for sure. We realized that the music we were listening to not only had an impact on us, but our children too. Music is no longer something we leave out of our control in our home and in our vehicle. No more flipping through channels. Instead we know what channels the stations are set to and we know what CDs are loaded into our vehicle. The music that is played, contains songs we want to hear. Sometimes even need to hear.
Just how has this been life changing for us? The biggest change was for Evie, who became a Christian earlier this year! She is constantly singing and now her little sister is following along. Both of the girls love music and we love hearing what they are singing. For us as parents, we find putting on certain music helps us start the day filled with joy. We have seen this whole new happiness from both of our girls.
There’s been a few days where we have had Tim Neufeld and The Glory Boys cranked loud for all to hear as we sing along to Sunshine. With lyrics like “I choose sunshine! Got no time for grey, Nothings gonna take my joy away! Happiness is here and here to stay! Nothings gonna take my joy away! Nothings gonna take my joy away!” you are sure to find your mood changed. Next time you find yourself stuck in traffic and possibly dealing with some potential road rage, give that song a listen.
We are also not finding ourselves bogged down by the negative messages sent out in lyrics from songs played on mainstream radio. We are not numb to hearing the swear words and derogatory terms. We do notice it and we do not care for hearing it. It’s not something we want our kids growing up and accepting as appropriate. For us, being selective about music is one way we are trying to impact our children to just not accept things “as is”.
Call us crazy, but we decided to keep the girls up past their bedtimes one night last week and take them to their first concert. We went and saw Tim Neufeld and The Glory Boys in concert. Since getting their CDs and playing them in the car and in the house there is immediate protest if we try to play something else. We knew they would enjoy seeing them live in concert.
We prepared the girls before going by reminding them that it would be similar to how music is played and sung in chapel at camp. They would get to see the instruments and musicians right in front of them. The night of the concert Evie asked to sit in the front row, while a bit fearful of potential meltdowns they did pretty well. Near the end of concert the girls were both up and dancing. Addie was clapping along and stomping her feet. It was a night we’re certain they will remember.
The music we listen to is going to continue to have an affect on us. We’ve decided that its going to be positive and uplifting!
Love this! What we take in truly has an affect on us…both positive and negative! We like to listen to K-Love each morning to start our days off right!
What a great experience for them! I can definitely see why you choose to have uplifting music playing – it really is powerful.
This is beautiful and insightful. If there’s anything to help keep things positive, it’s definitely music.
What a lovely post. It really gave me a lot to think about and maybe reconsider what we’re listening to as well. Thanks for sharing this.
This looks like such a fun first concert experience for your girls! I can’t wait to share great music with my kiddos too.
We made the same change more than 13 years ago, just before we were hoping to become parents. We are so glad we made this change. Our now 12 year old son notices the difference between himself and his peers (even at a Christian school). It’s difficult for him at times being what feels like the only one not listening to (or watching) what is popular, but even still, he’s thankful that we choose to listen to what we want to come out of our own mouths. Good for you guys!!
This is wonderful! I totally agree that we have to be mindful about what we allow ourselves and our children to take in. The lyrics to music can take your breath away sometimes. My husband is a worship leader so there’s lots of praise music always playing but there are those time when we’ll land on the radio…briefly, only to change quickly due to the crazy content. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed holiday.