April 15th is one of our favourite days out of the year. It is a day that has become very special to us. It marks the day when we started dating. Which was 7 years ago. It marks the day Jason made a promise to me and gave me a promise ring 6 years ago. On that day he recreated our entire first date. It was also on this day 5 years ago that he proposed to me on a dock at the lake that was in his neighbourhood . That place was very special to us and still is, we went for many walks there while dating, and had picnics there too. This day also marks only two more months til our 4th wedding anniversary. So needless to say April 15th always brings back a rush of memories and emotions. We both love this day and all the incredible moments it is filled with. While yesterdays may not have been the ideal romantic day, as it was in the midst of the work week, and Jason is working nights currently, we still made the most of it. We ordered in dinner from Olive Garden after Evie went to bed, and sat down to enjoy a great dinner together. We are looking forward to many, many more April 15th days together.

With a canoer that wouldnt leave the dock when she saw what was going on, and her husband yelling at her to leave. A lady tapping Jason on the shoulder asking repeatedly what was going on and couldn’t take a hint to leave. Jason had the determination and courage to get down on one knee and ask me to marry him.