We are catching more and more glimpses of our daughter’s personality, and what she is truly like as a person. Her whole character is coming out daily. It is incredible to see. One word that seems to sum her up right now is:
This is actually a word that we have used to describe her since she started being mobile. She has always just gone for it, a jump in with both feet, not worried about what will happen sort of personality. We got a little table and chair set for her the other day, we unloaded it from the car and put it in the living room after she went to bed. When she came downstairs with us in the morning, she went for it right away. First she sat perfectly in the chair. The next thing she did was climb on top of the chair when Daddy was not looking. (He of course snapped a photo to send to me, because I was at work when this happened) She is always about trying to get to the highest point she can, and by any means possible.
In some ways I wish I was more like her. She has no worries about what she is about to do, just a willingness to try, and a determination to get there. She has been teaching me how to live fearlessly, and to do things with perseverance. Every time she falls down and get’s back up, even if it is after a little cry and a hug, she does always get back up and she tries all over again. She has such a different personality from myself, and yet in some ways it is very similar. My husband has two very stubborn, strong-willed girls in his life now. We are definitely looking forward to seeing exactly “who” our daughter is, and seeing her personality develop, and change more and more as she grows up.
Right now I find myself wondering if I should be already teaching her how to be cautious about things. But really, should I even be? I don’t want to crush this incredible, and inspiring side of her. Is it too early to be learning from her own mistakes? I think we will be going helmet shopping very soon.
This personality totally captures toddlerhood!! Your daughter might love to learn about being safe at a toddlers gymnastics gym. You want them to be able to just explore but you also want them to be safe. We do a lot of ‘feet first!’ when climbing around and they really grasp that one pretty quick.
I have been thinking about gymnastics a lot recently, I have yet to find one in our area that takes someone her age. I think its such a great idea, and I’d love to have her learn about safety. Plus it would get some of her energy out.
My son is just like this. Cautious with people, but not with physical things. We enrolled him in gymnastics at 16 months so that he (and we) could learn about falling, heights, and strength. It has helped ease my mind tremendously.
I don’t think she is to young to learn from her mistakes. At this point you could even direct her mistakes a little. Like learning the worse hot, I have let my boys touch things that are hot under my supervision so that they learn to trust me. When I say something is hot I want them to know I am telling them for their own protection. This way I can “control” the hurt, and the boys still learn the lesson.
Both of my girls are like this – I don’t know where they get it from! It’s totally nerve wracking, but the things my 5 year old has accomplished because of her fearlessness and my willingness (most of the time) to let her lead with that is worth it!!
They say that the ones that are the hardest work when little are the most successful later in life as adults.
My daughter is as brave as I am. Which means I never have to worry. She’s 3 and I have never had to rescue her from a tall perch or weird hiding spot. As long as you use your special Mama voice when your little one is really courting danger and know when it’s okay to let her explore safely, she will be just fine.