I had every intention of having this post up earlier, but, well… mom, wife, life, etc… all got in the way. Yesterday I took the whole day off and was an unplugged mama from my phone, computer, and social media. It was a nice little break, so lovely in fact that I took a bit of today off from it all. I now actually have every intention of taking tomorrow off too. I needed it, time away from it all. Have you ever taken time to disconnect from social media, and all gadget items?
Part of why I wanted the time away was so that I could focus fully on my family. It’s hard when part of what you do has become so media driven. The other part is that I’ve become very torn about what I want to do with this blog. Do I want to continue? I’ve been struggling with a few different things, and been feeling really discouraged to be completely honest. So we will see, for now I need to take some time to focus on other things.
Here is a little bit of what we’ve been up to recently for One Word Wednesday.








I hope you’re able to easily sort your thoughts out and come to a conclusion that makes you happy! It’s no fun to be in a position that makes you uneasy.
Now this is sweet!