I figure it’s about time for an update on our adventures in potty training so far. It’s definitely been an adventure. We decided to try again starting this past Monday. We had tried potty training 4 months early but after a few days decided that Evie just was not ready for it. Evie will be starting preschool in September and we’d like for her to be as independent as possible, but we also know that she is the youngest in the class. Still, we have a lot of confidence in her abilities, she is a smart little cookie.
As to be expected there were a lot of accidents on day one, but there was also a whole lot of over the top praise for our toddler when she did succeed. I’m sure people would have thought we were crazy the way we jumped around and clapped, making a huge deal about it. Day two went a whole lot better, with more successes. The whole time we’ve been going about setting her on the potty every 20 to 30 minutes, and setting a timer for having her sit. This helped as she knew what our expectations were. Day three, oh day three. I do not miss that day. We had been warned to expect a possible battle, and regression on this day. Sure enough these warnings rang true. Getting her to sit on the potty was an absolute battle. She did not want any of it. It felt like there was a totally breakdown of what we had already achieved, and it was a bit discouraging. This was the day that we all seriously just needed a laugh. Even with all of this, we had a moment of triumph before bedtime.
Today marks day 6 of potty training. We have learned that this is going to be a process for our daughter, but she is doing really well. She now tells us when she needs to go on the potty. Sometime times she still freezes and will not run to the potty. Other moments she will run over to it on her own. We figure so long as she is initiating the need to go, that is a huge step in the right direction. We’ve got 5 weeks until preschool starts, we feel this is lots of time to keep practicing and learning over the summer. Thank you to whoever it was that said to potty train in the summer if you can! I am so thankful its warm out so I do not feel bad about her running around like a mini nudist, or just in her training pants. We didn’t introduce the training pants until day 5, because we didn’t want her to feel like she was wearing a diaper again and just automatically go in it. Poor girl is also so tiny that regular panties do not fit her, we found the smallest sized ones possible, and they still fall of. We are so thankful that we bought training pants from our cloth diaper provider. They have elastic leg bands and waist, and are the only ones that stay on her!
Several readers mentioned that potty training is not fun, and I would have to agree. It’s not, but we are doing our best to make it fun. I’ll be sharing another time about some of the things we have found really helpful. If you see this, think happy thoughts and say a prayer for us because today we are heading out to a pool party. Which means a 30minute drive to our friends home. We are so hoping it will be a successful trip out there and back. We will be prepared with a wetbag full of other training pants, and new outfits if needed.
Other Posts About Potty Training:
Potty Training Day 1
Potty Training Day 2
Potty Training Day 3 and 4
Good luck to y u Tami. I remember it taking months to fully attain potey training results. One month seems a short time before Preschool.. She seems to be doing very well for just a few days. But then I guess some are slower than others. I usually started before they were two. Hope she takes to it quickly.
Good Luck! I have potty trained two so far and it is a bit of a process that usually takes a month to get down.
Keep with it and stay consistent! As long as your daughter knows there’s no going back to diapers she’ll work with you on it – no one wants to pee on themselves!
Awesome! My daughter’s not quite 2 yet and we’re just trying to introduce her to the potty. She’ll say she wants to sit on it, but when we get over there she starts shaking her head, so I’m not going to force her yet. She’s hooked on Daniel Tiger, though, and specifically asks for the potty episode, so it’s a good start!
I have been thinking about potty training for my 20 month old. She really doesn’t seem too interested yet. I really hope it is not that difficult! I hope your trip out wasn’t bad!
We are just getting to the tail end of our potty training journey or rather the last phase. We are going to start undies at night which will be a project in its own. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job and she is getting it. Keep strong it will get easier. My daughter decided one day no more diapers and never looked back, suddenly they were for babies. Keep strong mama!