Summer rushed right out of here, we were hit with rainy Fall weather out of nowhere. Which means there was a need for indoor activities. Thanks to Raincoast Books we got to try out two amazing games that are part of the #PlayTestShare collection.
Having a preschooler and an almost 11-month-old who is into everything her big sister does or is playing with I knew we needed activities that she could “sort of” take part in too. I found just that with Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom: A Game of Imagination and Alain Grée Animals Matching Game.
Alain Grée Animals Matching Game
It’s a classic matching game that youngsters are sure to love. I recognized the artwork on the game pieces right away, the art is by French picture book illustrator Alain Grée. There are all sorts of animals included in this matching game from farm animals to ones you would find in the savanna. It’s the perfect opportunity to identify favorite animals, and to discover new ones. Large, sturdy cards are ideal for small hands, and the
You can simplify the game at first by just using the animals that your children recognize easily and only using those for matching. You could even make the play area smaller by keeping it to just a few matching sets. With older kids who know the animals and need a challenge use all of the cards.
I have also used the cards to show my youngest daughter the different animals, their names, and what sounds they make. They are perfect for flashcards too! There is lots of possibility for this game. My girls have been exploring, learning about animals, working on their memory, and even on their fine motor skill by just holding the cards.
Instructions for playing are on the inside of the box giving easy guidance. When the game is over and it needs to be put away everything fits back inside the box easily and can be tucked away for another time. It’s become a favourite for my oldest, she is always requesting to get to play the animal game.
Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom!: A Game of Imagination
Is another game that will have you recognizing the artwork instantly. Have you read the books Let’s Play or Press Here? This time, Herve Tullet has a great game for youngsters to experience, it’s more than that though it’s three games in one!
This game will have your child working on their matching abilities, road building skills, and pattern making. All of which is explained how to do on the inside of the lid. Have no fear about losing a piece of paper with the instructions for how to play. It’s all right there! this game is both a clever challenge to hone memory skills and a make-your-own visual adventure of colorful play pieces. With the tour-de-force inventiveness—which fuels his already-classics
This game allows open-ended possibilities allowing little minds to be creative and to think for themselves. My preschooler loves the RoadBuilder version of the game. She was able to design her own road and of course when she decided it was completed a car was needed to be driven around. You’ll love watching your child create through this game.
There is also the not so traditional way of using the playing cards to build towers. For some reason, every time my daughter sees cards like this making a tower or castle is a must. Who am I to say no to her imagination running wild?
The colours on one side of the cards will grab children’s attention and the monochrome side adds interest to it. Again, everything stores away neatly into the box when the game is not in use.
Be sure to pop over to the #PlayTestShare post over on Raincoast Books to see what other games and activities are being included in their selection of activities for families. You are sure to find something you love and want to add to your family’s collection for games night.
Raincoast books have very kindly provided the opportunity for one Discovering Parenthood reader to win TWO of the eight games listed in their post. Go check it out and come back here to enter the giveaway for #PlayTestshare!
Be sure to go to my friend Kat’s blog, The Pampered Baby, for another chance at winning!
You can find her post here:
#PlayTestShare Fun & Games with Raincoast Books
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I like Za Za Zoom! I like the idea of kids building and using their imagination….and the info on the box lid. So smart!
The Alain Gree Animals Matching Game because I love the french illustrations! <3
I like the Alain Green Animals Matching game
How fun! I’ll have to keep this in mind for baby showers/parties!
Matching games are always a win!
I would pick “Missing Socks Go Fish Card Game” as it sounds fun and “To the Ocean Deep” as my daughter would love the long page to colour.
WOW !! I checked out the post at the selection of all the different games to choose from but I REALLY like the two shown in your post here. My daughter is autistic and the matching game would really come in handy for her ABA sessions and the Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom!: A Game of Imagination game will really get her gears working. I think this would help her so much! thanks for the chance
I like the ocean coloring book and the punch out and play book!
I love this game
My 4 year old would love the Alain Grée Animals Matching Game! Love the illustrations
I homeschool my kids and I’m always looking for more aesthetically pleasing toys and games. Something out of the ordinary. I love the style and design of these toys/games, and I like that you can use them in a variety of ways. Would love to win these.
These games look wonderful! My daughter is 3-1/2 and would love them! I adore the illustrations! Thank you for sharing this collection!
I too like the Animals Matching Game because these types were my fav as a child, but I also like To the Ocean Deep as I think a fold out colouring book would show an amazing picture. I’m sure my daughter would like Cat Bingo as she loves all things cat related at the moment.
I’d opt for the To the Ocean Deep and Fantastic Collections, because I know that my son and daughter would love them. – HilLesha
I look all all the great games available but my choice is the same as the one you are showing here. I know my ganddaughters would love the Alain Grée Animals Matching Game and the Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom!: A Game of Imagination.
I’ll have to pick these up! The kids will love them.
Cat Bingo and Animals matching game would be great picks for my girl…..she love matching games, and bingo is a current favorite game!
Za Za Zoom! looks cool and Missing Socks Go Fish Card Game looks like fun!
The animal matching game looks so fun. The cards are a good size too.
My son loves memory games! And that other one looks fun too!
Ocean Deep and the animal matching game!! My daughter loves ,matching games!!
Great games! I think I would choose the Matching Game (perfect for my toddler) and the List game (perfect for me)!
We like bes the Punch Out & Play Game Book and the Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom!: A Game of Imagination – I asked my kids to choose and this is what they thought would be most fun to them
I would pick ZaZa Zoom because I love that creativity is all you really need to play this game. Big kids and little kids can play it together. I also Love the Punch OUt and Play game book.
I would pick Cat Bingo & Animal Match Up – my niece loves animals so I think both of these she would have a lot of fun with. They look like great games!
I would choose To the Ocean Deep and Fantastic Collections. SO many amazing choices though .
I’d probably choose Cat Bingo & To The Ocean Deep.
I think we’d love To the Ocean Deep and Listography: The Game so I’d pick them.
I would choose Herve Tullet’s Za Za Zoom!: A Game of Imagination and Punch Out & Play Game Book
I really love the two you have posted here. Both of my children have speech delay and I think these would be a huge help.
This is awesome! Would love to win for Dylan! <3 I would go with the ZaZa Zoom and Ocean Deep!
I think Za Za Zoom and Listography look great, and look like games the whole family can play (though maybe with a bit of help for Listography)