I mentioned yesterday that we were beginning potty training. We put away all of the cloth diapers, and any disposables from around the house and diaper bag. This helped Evie to understand that they were not available, and not an option. First thing in the morning she got to wear her “big girl panties” as she calls them, and she was very excited about it. We have about a dozen training pants that we bought from our cloth diaper supplier. I like them because they do have some absorbing power, but the child can also tell that they are wet if they have an accident. The best part about them though is that they have cute pictures on the bottom.
With it being St Patrick’s Day Evie got to enjoy a glass of milk that was coloured green first thing in the morning. She also had lots of other fluids, and foods that have high liquid contents throughout the morning time. Well goodness… this girl can hold it if she wants to! Hold it she did. We had her sitting on the potty lots. She was asking to sit on the potty lots, but no luck any time. Of course the moment you take your eyes off her for one second because she asks you to get something she then has an accident. Good one kiddo. Distract mommy and then go! By this time she needed to head off for her nap so I explained to her about her special training pants that are for nap time and bed time. She went to sleep very quickly.
She did fill her pull up during nap time too, but she willingly sat on her potty after her nap. Still it was a no go. The whole day continued very much the same. She could hold it for awhile, but would not let us know when she actually needed to go. She continued to ask to sit on the potty, and we also asked her to go sit. Nothing. She had several accidents in the afternoon before bedtime.
While it may not be considered a success she did at least sit on the potty, and she totally understands what she needs to do and where she needs to do it. We are hoping and praying that success with start on Day 2. We wont be using the training pants on day 2. We think that they may be confusing her into thinking she still has a diaper on. While it may be messy we hope it helps her figure things out a bit more. Wish us luck, and say a prayer please.
Do you have any tips for potty training? What worked and didn’t work for your kids?
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Hi Tamara,
Great post. I have a 17-month-old and am currently seven months pregnant, so we’re obviously talking about when to start potty training, but we’re waiting for our little one to give us the signs. Right now she doesn’t seem to interested in it. How did you know it was time? Also, what training pants are you using? There are so many out there to pick from. I look forward to reading the outcome.