I put out a cry for help on my Instagram I was looking for any tips that may help with this whole potty training thing. Many of you shared how potty training went for your kids and I cannot thank you enough. If things do not go well right now, we just might have to wait a month or two and try again later and that is totally ok.
Day 2 did not start well, which is part of why I pleaded for help. Evie fought going on the potty in the morning, we figured she didn’t have to go any ways because her pull up had been used, but we want her to get into a routine of going to the washroom when she wakes up. She had her breakfast, and we went about our morning. Reminding her to tell us if she needed the potty, and she did ask and sat a couple times. This girl can hold it though. Close to nap time I asked her if she needed to use the potty and she ran away from me and hid in the corner. Well an accident was had before I could get to her fast enough, but she did also go back to the potty right after her accident and had success there. It was off to nap time after this.
I remembered one trick of putting some water in the potty and colouring the water blue. When Evie woke from her nap I explained that if she went on the potty that the water would change colour. This was a hit. She loved the idea that she could change the water colour. We had one more successful moment in the afternoon. We kept going throughout the day with her saying she needed the potty or to pee, and she would go and just sit. She definitely gets the idea. We were getting concerned though as a she is normally very regular, know what I mean, but she had not gone yet. She was not interested at all in going on the potty. Poor girl by bath time her little tummy was very big, and she did sit on the potty but nothing.
Bath time had what I would say was a huge success. She asked to get out of the tub and to use the potty, which she did! We were so proud of her for doing this. So we give yesterday a point for the potty with our several successful moments. It’s a tie game. We are hoping she does go back to being “regular” tomorrow, we may buy some kids pear or prune juice to try and make sure she doesn’t get constipated. I would feel terrible if that happened.
I had a couple people inquire about what training pants we have. I got the training pants that Tender Tushies carries. They do come in two sizes small, and a medium/large. We have found that the small fit Evie perfectly right now and she is around 25lbs. The other size is a bit too big. Check them out though they seriously have the cutest pictures on the bottom, Evie loves picking out which she wears.
Do you have any tips for potty training? Was your kiddo refusing to go #2 on the potty?
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Potty training is not for the faint of heart. We have gone through so many phases of this…and recently thought they were basically potty trained. Then recently they’re back to wanting only diapers. I don’t push any of it. My boys will be 3 in May. I’m not in a rush. They get there when they’re ready… But pooping is always the challenge for us too and it causes major constipation issues because for whatever reason, they act like something is going to stab them in the butt to poop on the potty. Unless it’s falling out, they won’t do it haha. We’ve had a few poop successes but it’s not been easy. We’ve got peeling pretty good, but then like I said, they’ve gone back to wanting diapers this week again. Its just a roller coaster. Throw your hands up and have fun! Haha
That is a sweet photo! One of my little guys also doesn’t want to go on the potty right when he wakes up, I think because he probably went recently in his diaper (we still diaper at night). We haven’t had any regular success with #2’s on the potty, but I’m thrilled that they are great throughout the day, so I won’t complain! “We don’t go potty on Lightning McQueen” is a helpful phrase for us (they have Cars underwear). Good luck! Stay patient. Remember, they have their whole life to pee pee on the potty! heehee
The thought of potty training my daughter scares me every time. I sure can use some guidance from your experiences. She is still two and a half year old. But soon I will have to face my fear. All the best.
I love the water changing color trick. I’ll have to remember that for kid #3. I hope some of my Instgaram comments helped. Really it depends on each kid, so I’m sure you’ll find what works best for Evie.
I just found your blog, and it’s adorable! We are slowly approaching our potty training days (as I talked about in my last post) so I’ll be following your journey for tips and tricks. I really like the water changing color btw. Looking forward to it!