Day three did not go very well. Every moment was a battle. Evie did not want to use the potty, we had many accidents. She would still sit on the potty but was not happy about it. We did have one success though and I guess I should actually count this as toddler 2. We were able to go out as a family to the Honeybee Centre. Evie happily taste tested several different honey flavours with us, she even picked which two we brought home. From there we went and picked up some lunch. She had a successful trip out of the house, without any accidents. That being said, we were prepared with a change of clothing and training pants. We also have a liner, called a dry seat, that we got for her car seat. We have a Clek Foonf and it fits perfectly. The rest of the day was a back to being a challenge. We started to feel absolutely terrible too because we knew Evie needed to poop but would not use the potty. Come bed time she was grumpy, and we were getting grumpy too.
Day four… we surrendered. We decided that Evie is just not ready to potty train. After talking to several friends they all reminded us that there was nothing wrong with stopping and trying again. Many of them had similar things happen and when they tried again a month or two later it was like their child potty trained over night. So we are hoping and praying that will be the case with Evie. We know she does get the idea of it all, things have actually been a bit better since we stopped. She is noticing when she needs to go more, and has asked to go to the potty. She is also running away from us and hiding when she needs to go as well. We are hoping these are all things pointing in the right direction and we will be trying again in the near future.
Was potty training a challenge with your kid(s)? Did you have to stop, and try again a bit down the road?
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My mother in law always says, “They don’t go off to college in diapers!” No fear, Evie will get there when ready!
With my daughter, it went sooooo similarly. We are on round two now, she’s just shy of 3. She is doing quite well though #2 is daunting for her too. As Sue said above, no matter WHAT happens, they won’t go to college in diapers
Best of luck and keep the updates coming!!!
With my first son we tried but had no interest, so we stopped for a few months until it got warmer and he could happily walk around only in his pants and it worked much better.
Both parties need to be ready, stressing about going potty will only make things worse and make the journey that much longer
Oh, man! I think potty training is the hardest parenting job you’ll ever do. Get through this and you can conquer it all!
I also stopped and started again with my toddler and we started again and have had successful days and not so successful days but I am not turning back now. It is a struggle and I think with us it is just going to come with time. But on a positive note, pooping is not a problem and when we are out and about, she ALWAYS tells me when she has to go. It is just when we are home and she is doing her own thing that she has accidents. Evie will get there! No worries