This whole pregnancy has been so different from our other pregnancies. From needing IUI to distancing at home because of a pandemic. Nothing it what we expected it would be. We are have gotten to the point where we just go with the flow of things because there really isn’t anything else we can do while pregnant during Covid-19.
My husband was not able to go to any of those first appointments. I will always remember the feelings that overwhelmed me during the first ultrasound as I sat in the end of a long hallway by myself. The tears started to roll and all I wanted was Jason by my side. We’ve experienced loss, these early appointments bring out a lot of anxiety and fear from within.
Thankfully my specialist I am seeing was very understanding and told me to pull out my phone and that I could record and take photos. This was after he quickly checked to make sure the baby was doing alright. He didn’t get to hear the heartbeat in real time but was overjoyed with me as soon as I called and shared with him the news. Again, celebrating with me as I got home and showed him the video clips of our little one.
There’s no handshaking and faces are covered in masks at every appointment. As much as we try to be expressive with our eyes and eyebrows, it is just not the same. Some of the warmth of the experience is gone.
There’s no hiding that this pregnancy has been very different. I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lungs very early on in the pregnancy. This means I am on blood thinners every single day. I have one shot of medication in the morning and one in the evening.
During this pandemic, it’s oddly become normal to not be able to find the things you need. Need toilet paper, disinfecting wipes, or even meat… good luck! Often getting these things meant arriving to the stores really early and praying it was there. The same goes for the medication I need. I can only get a month at a time and almost every time I can only get about 10 days and have to wait for the rest to be sourced and arrive. I also need rubbing alcohol, preferable the wipes. At one point I had to put out a desperate plea on my personal Facebook account after checking multiple stores for many days and finding none. Thankfully, friends all came to my rescue and offered me some. I cannot thank them all enough.
I know I’m not the only one struggling to find the medication and medical supplies they need during this time. So many people are having a hard time with this.
This is a very different pregnancy to my others. I was that “jerk” who didn’t get nausea or morning sickness with the others. Sciatica pain. What’s that? Food aversion. None to be spoken of. Not this time! This kiddo is the wild card. Which apparently is normal with the 3rd… but this is my 5th pregnancy, so does the 3rd child factor still come into play? I guess so.
I’ve been sick for a bit before the blood clot was diagnosed. Nausea set in and has stayed to this day. I am not puking, but have a permanent feeling of being stuck on a boat during a rough storm. Heartburn has been brutal. I’m doomed if I eat and doomed if I do not. Nothing is helping to settle it. What is this horrible pain shooting down my butt and leg? Guess that is what sciatica pain is. Joy oh delight. I’ve also not gained any weight, instead the number on the scale has gone down. I’ve brought this up with my doctor and specialist but they are not concerned, I have it to lose. Plus baby is doing well and growing.
Though, this little one is also sucking everything out of me. My iron and B12 have been very low. I’m still struggling to get them back up. I also got yelled at during my anatomy scan for not following the water drinking instructions. Here’s a hint, I did… but this kid I swear takes everything out of me!
My food cravings and aversions are very different this time too. With the girls, all I wanted was spicy curry, butter chicken, chocolate milk, and anything raspberry. Now, I struggle with opening the fridge and smelling anything. Anything lemon has been lovely. Lemonade, lemon in water, or lemon seasoned chicken. Also, potatoes! Fries, mashed, scalloped, poutine… you name it, I love it!
We finally got some more joy in the craziness of Covid-19. After having a not so great experience at my anatomy scan, my doctor decided to rebook me in with the specialist and have them do another ultrasound. When I got the phone call for booking the appointment I was overjoyed to learn that my husband could finally come with me to an appointment!
The rule was that we both had to come in wearing masks and keep them on during the whole appointment. Fine with us if it meant he could finally be by my side during an appointment. It was so nice to have him there and get to see baby and hear the heartbeat. Baby is doing great and currently around 4 lbs 1 oz. Apparently baby is also all legs. Just like it’s older siblings. We made the decision at the start of this pregnancy to not share the due date or how many weeks along we are. This is something that has actually brought a lot of peace to me so that I don’t feel pressure from others. No comments of “Shouldn’t the baby be here by now?” or “When are you due again?”. Nothing. It has been so nice!
While we may still have some worries about what is to come. It will likely be just the two of us in the hospital for this baby’s arrival. No visitors when he or she gets here. Our daughter’s won’t be able to go either. They will have to wait until we check out and return home. Plus, this time I will be induced instead of going into labour naturally. For now, though, we are focusing on this little bit of joy.
You look beautiful and I’m so excited for you, Jason and the girls
Sorry about the nausea. I had it bad with both my kids