This time of year everyone is setting goals and working their way towards them. I have a few of my own, many connected to this blog, but I have one big goal that I am working towards. I have actually been working towards it for some time, it’s one that is continuing into this year, and it will likely always be a goal I have. I want to get healthier.
Healthier for me includes working on my weight. I have always been taller and bigger than others for as long as I can remember. The important part of this goal of mine though is I want to get back to where I was at my happiest when it came to my weight and clothing size. It upsets me when I work so hard at picking out a pretty dress, even having one custom fit to me, only to get terribly rude comments. It hurts. I’m already my own worst enemy and crituque myself enough. Often I do my best to ignore it but there is only so much you can take. It hurts to hear these comments when you’ve gotten all dolled up and are feeling beautiful for once.
I know where I can work on improving things, and I am working on it. I’m a picky eater, who also has a crazy list of allergies. I’ve always been bigger, and thankfully this past year I’ve gotten back down from my biggest I’ve ever been when I was pregnant. Add in the battles I’ve faced with depression from 2 miscarriages, and postpartum depression… my body has gone through a crazy roller coaster. I know I am an emotional eater… try telling any girl that once a month and you my risk getting in big trouble with them.
Last year I did the Vancouver Sun Run, I am hoping to do one or two other runs this year, I have no idea what just yet. I need to look into more of the runs that are available in the area. I would love to some day go down to California and do the Tinkerbell Run. Even with our rainy weather here in the Lower Mainland I am trying to get out for walks/jogs more often. I actually really love it despite some days feeling like I don’t want to go. I’m always happier after going out.
If you are wanting to follow along on my journey as I work towards losing 20 – 80lbs this year (ultimately I just want to get to a place where I feel happy and healthy again) add me on Instagram at I would love your support and words of encouragement there. Please let me know if you are working towards a similar goal so that I can encourage you too!
For now I keep walking and jogging. I am also hoping to get some at home work out videos, and maybe go to a few classes with friends… water aerobics anyone?

Foggy winters day. I am not a big fan of jogging in this weather, I need to invest in some lights or reflectors.
{Jawbone 24 Update} I had mentioned over on Facebook that Jason had bought me a Jawbone to help track things. I’ve been using it for two months now and I really like it. I am able to keep track of what I eat, even scanning bar codes on things to enter all the information from it. It’s proven great for walks, jogs, and runs as it keeps track of my step count. You can also enter other activities, effort level, and the duration of time you were doing this. This way it keeps a closer account of how long you are active during the day.
The one thing I really like seeing is how I have slept during the night. You can put the Jawbone in sleep mode, and set an alarm for it to wake you, even going as far as letting it wake you 10 minutes or so earlier if you are in a lighter sleep phase. I love seeing how I slept through the night. It really does show if you’ve had a good or a bad nights sleep. You can see how long you were in a sound or a light sleep, and how long it took you to fall asleep. All of this is fascinating to me.
If you are looking for something to help you track things, I have been very pleased with the Jawbone so far.
Join Discovering Parenthood on Facebook, and Instagram to see what we are up to, and to stay up to date.
Yesss!! Aquafit, I am so down for – in the summer I do it at Al Anderson, so nice because it’s an outdoor pool so you get some sunshine too
Wow that app seems pretty cool! I use My Fitness Pal to track calories, but I think the sleep feature is awesome! Thanks!
It sounds like you have some great goals set! I just followed you on instagram
I have wanted to try one of those fitness band things.. they look really cool!
You can do it! Following you on IG.
What all are you allergic to?
It’s more so what am I not allergic too
Well what is that?