My daughter knows me. There are days where it seems like she knows me better than I know myself. She can read me like a book most days.
She sees me in a different way than others. I’m mom, mama, mommy, da-ma. Whatever name she wants to call me by.
It doesn’t matter if I’m in my pajamas without makeup on, or dressed up super fancy. She anyways knows it’s me. Even when looking at old photos of me as a kid, or ones from when Jason and I were dating right away she points me out. I’m surprised that she recognizes me, especially in photos when I have glasses on.
I shouldn’t be surprised though. This little girl has studied my face since the moment she arrived. Wide eyed and looking deep into my soul it would seem at times.
This little girl fills my heart with so much joy. I am so thankful to be her mother.
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