Some things I have learned since becoming a parent…
1) Baby’s nails are actually little razor blades and they will slice you no matter how short you cut them, its also a work out just trying to hold that hand still so you won’t hurt them when trying to cut their nails.
2) Schedules go out the window, yet some how you will get to where you need to be on time.
3) You will get puked, pooped, or peed on right before you have to be somewhere and normally it will happen when you have already changed into your own nice outfit for the place you are going to.
4) Baby will puke, poop, or pee on their outfit right before you are about to leave to go some where with them. (this tends to happen right before church for us)
5) You will forget things! Not just items you need for your child, but you will forget where you parked the car, and you will forget about that important doctors appointment… yet some how you will get there on time!
6) You will have “Mommy/Daddy damage” moments, thankfully they will never remember them. Its amazing how loving little ones can be despite the fact that their stroller flipped over with them in it.
7) When they reach a milestone it is the happiest moment and nothing else matters, you will act like a total fool cheering them on and it does not matter because they are worth the cheering and happiness for getting to that moment.
8) You are going to screw up time and time again, there is a huge learning curve to being a parent, but there is support around you so don’t hesitate to ask. Asking others questions is a good thing because others have gone through it too.
10) Their cry will break your heart and damage your ears, its incredible how just a few decibels make a difference in what they are trying to tell you.
11) Nothing is better than the smile on their face when they see you and want to be held and cuddled, it will always melt your heart and even turn the most macho of men into a pansy.
12) Their giggles are absolutely infectious
13) When you fill the tub you will most definitely have to drain it and refill it because they have “gone in the tub”
14) I am working on my patience and being more calm, my little one is helping to mellow me out and cause a whole other type of stress at the same time.
15) My natural instinct to protect is much stronger, hurt my kid or make her cry and you will have me to deal with.
16) Stopping to admire whatever they are looking at too, I’m actually taking time to smell the roses and hear the planes fly over us.
I wouldn’t change a thing, and I cannot imagine not being a parent. What are some of the things you have learned that can be added to the list?