There is one thing that comes with raising children that I would rather go back to sleepless newborn nights than go through again. Any guesses?
The answer would be: Potty training!
It’s the one thing I was very apprehensive about and did not look forward to. Now, I’m getting set for potty training again. This time I am going to be better prepared. Potty training is on our New Year’s resolution list.
I’ve decided to set up some goals, with the help of tips from Pull-Ups, and I’m creating a plan for potty training so that this time we are ready to go. Addie turned two not that long ago and she is already showing interest in potty training. I want to be able to start training and make it something that is attainable and sure to be successful for her.
Signs For Starting Potty Training
Time and time again you hear that kids are different, no two kids are the same, and how you cannot compare your child to another child. It’s the same with potty training, you really do need to just keep an eye on your child for signs that they are showing for being ready to potty train. For us, some of those signs have been showing interest in the potty and Addie has been amazing about letting us know if she needs a diaper change.
- pulling at a wet or dirty diaper
- hiding to go pee or poo in their diaper
- interested in the use of the potty
- mimicking using a potty
- diapers are dry for longer periods of time
- waking up and having a dry diaper after a nap
- letting you know that they need to go, are going, or have just gone in their diaper
You can even take a short quiz on at to help you in figuring out if your child is ready for potty training!
Be Prepared
Last time when potty training came around I was not ready for it. The potty seat was too big. We went back to diapers because we ran out of Pull-Ups or forgot them. Basically, you name it, and we had it go wrong.
This time, I already feel better prepared. When Addie started showing signs that she may be ready, I had been reading books about potty training to her, she’s been introduced to the potty and I also have a stash of Pull-Ups ready to go!
I also know that I need to be set to help Addie learn about this. We are going to figuring this out and learning together. I have been doing my homework when it comes to potty training by reading up on the different ways you can potty train and coming up with a plan that will be best for her.
Plus, I know how important being consistent is. Yes, there are going to be hiccups along the way but no matter what, there needs to be consistency. This is so important so that I can help Addie continue to learn by providing her with the support and guidance she needs.
She is going to be able to learn all the new skills connected to potty training because I am setting it up to be something she can do. A key part of that is the fact that Pull-Ups are easy to get up and down on her own. This makes all the difference for those last minute rushes to the potty when first learning. If an accident does happen, the easy open sides are a huge help in the moment so that a quick change can happen.
Bring On The New Year and Potty Training
With 2018 right around the corner it’s going to bring about the start of potty training in our house. This is Addie’s goal that she and I will be working on. It’s going to be interesting with her determination and strong personality, but I know she can do it. I know it’s going to bring about an independence that she is going to love.
The Pull-Ups are stocked and ready to go. We are going to be saying goodbye to diapers.
Wish us the best!
We will likely be tackling this in the New Year too… Cheers… I mean GOOD LUCK! hahahah
Good luck! I hope it goes smoothly for you!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
My goal is to be done with potty training by the new year!
When my oldest was a toddler he’d refuse to go on the potty for #2. Instead, he’d walk behind the couch and say, ‘I’m going to the book shop mum’. It was his secret code for pooping in his pull up. We still laugh about that with him today haha.
These pics are so sweet!
My sister is currently going through potty training with her daughter. I will have to share this with her!!
Good luck! I am absolutely the worst at potty training, you would think having gone through it with three kids so far I’d be a pro, but nope!
I love your tips and we are a huge huggies fan!! I recently potty trained my fourth son and used some of your tips!
I think you advice at being constant is probably the most important part. As tiring, frustrating and MESSY as potty training can be, it takes consistency!
You go Momma! I hope the potty training goes smoothly!
We tackled potty training over NYE weekend! It was a success, but I was DEFINITELY apprehensive as well. I’m so tired of looking at my bathroom now lol! Good luck!!
Good luck to you in your quest!! LOL!!! My son will be 3 in March and to be honest I haven’t even started thinking about potty training. Partially because I’m sad my only baby will not be a baby anymore but mostly because he is SOOOOOO active that he can’t sit still long enough to pee LOL Oh well….one of these days
We’re casually doing this right now with our 26 month old, but I think we’re going to focus on it more in the spring. It’s a pain having to take off layers of clothing in the winter.
I potty trained my son last year. It took two attempts. but we made it. I think one of hte biggest tips is to NOT STRESS and it’s OK TO FAIL AND TRY AGAIN LATER>