We’ve been dealing with cancer being in our family’s life since September. From my husband being diagnosed with a tumor to having surgery, and to chemotherapy currently. It’s been stressful, worrisome, and so much more. This journey has impacted all of us in the family, through it we’ve been learning the true meaning of how it takes […]
Getting Through Chemo Appointments with Netflix Shows
With the chemo treatments taking an average of 4 hours we decided to download some shows we hadn’t checked out yet onto our Ipad to aid with passing the time. Plus, we also recently discovered a show we both love and have been binge watching at home. Black Mirror. This is a sci-fi anothology that has […]
Dear Cancer…
Photo Credit Julie Christine Photography Dear Cancer, YOU SUCK! You’ve been trying to impact us negatively in so many ways; mentally, physically, etc… You’ve stolen our peaceful nights and filled our dreams with nightmares. Our nights are consumed with little and very broken sleep. You are causing pain and heartbreak through each day of treatment. […]
Things Change Quickly: Cancer
It’s incredible how things can change so quickly. Within minutes everything changed for us and left us with our heads spinning as we tried to catch up. Jason recently had blood work and a scan done, with that was also a follow-up appointment with a specialist. The results that were shared at that appointment have […]